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"Why me?" I guess there couldn't be a better question for this book, you were such a book that took me away from me in every sentence, I got lost in its depths, and then I found myself in other identities, you were the most beautiful book that told me about you... Orhan Pamuk's collection has now become a must. I never thought that the book, which I started as 1001books without thinking that I would love it so much, would be among my unforgettable ones. I am glad I read it, it has taken its place among the books I wish I had not been so late with... "~...many people know that all stories are actually chains of coincidences. But still, even those who know this truth, when they look back at a period of their lives, decide that the things they experienced as coincidences were necessity...~" A Venetian who was captured by Turkish pirates in the 17th century is brought to Istanbul. This slave, who believes that he understands astronomy, physics and painting, is bought by a Turk who shares the same interests. In this interaction between these two people, who noticed a strange similarity at their first meeting, the slave owner wants to learn about Venice and Western science from his slave. These two people, the master and the slave, sit at the ends of the same table in a dark and empty house overlooking the Golden Horn in order to get to know, understand and explain each other. Their stories and adventures take them to the streets of Istanbul, where the plague epidemic is rampant, and at the end or right at the beginning of the story, "Why am I me?" It will lead to the question: "White Castle", "East and West", the book in which he describes the most beautiful state of identity in which the stories turn into one from day to day, While looking at the similarities and differences between them, it highlights the common denominator of the two cultures by revealing the artificiality that lies behind our national and individual identities. In this half-real, half-dream story that he watches accompanied by the view of Istanbul, man searches for the essence of his own existence... "White Castle" It is among the 1001 books that must be read before death, it is a book that I regret reading because I read it so late, I read it with great pleasure and definitely recommend it. I wish everyone a pleasant and peaceful reading... "~...It doesn't matter who a person is!!! ...what matters is what we do and what we will do...~"
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Beyaz KaleOrhan Pamuk · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 20239.1k okunma
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Ikisi tek bir karakter olabilir mi hocam? Siz ne düşündünüz bu konuda merak ettim. 📚🌼🌼🤗
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Tek kişiliğin şartlara göre farklı ortaya çıkışları 😍 yani sonsuz konuşabilirim şuan kitap hakkında📚🌼❣️ ama sonsuz yazabilir miyim bilemedim🙈😂
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