
76 syf.
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Let me start the review with the author of the book, ##$##yazarSeolar:i13178.$$#$$ He lived between 1871 and 1919 and is the father of Experionism. In other words, Expressionism. Expressionism is this: It is a structure that thinks about dealing with the emotional structure of something rather than its physical structure. This is often used in painting and poetry. Like the famous painting The Scream by Edward Munch. He is a friend of the famous writer ##$##yazarSeolar:i465.$$#$$ Gorky introduced it to literature. It is related to psychology and psychiatry. We can also see this in the book
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. He died of heart failure at an early age in poverty. The subject of the book is briefly the real war notes of an officer in the 1904 Japanese-Russian war, which was the first sign of the great bloody wars of the 20th century. When the officer comes home injured from the war and his brother completes these notes, the process of turning them into a book begins. Red Laughter actually shows that war is madness, It is an expression that shows us that no one in this is happy or at peace, that these people have psychological problems, that they do not think about anyone or even themselves, and that this situation has a bad effect on the society. In short, the value of peace is explained. This officer who takes the notes of the book loses his legs. But having lost his legs, he lost his legs. It makes him happy. Because now he will be able to return home. You can make this inference even from here. But when he goes home, he can never get over the effects of what he experienced. This is the part that affects the society and receives negative psychological feedback. At the end of the war, even the doctors went crazy. The author explained this situation very well. The book should definitely not be read by anyone under the age of 18. Those who do not feel psychologically well should not read it. It makes me nervous. You feel like you are inside it, and you are really inside it. The part about receiving a letter from the dead to the dead was very good. The messages given in the book were clear. But like I said, it was very tense. A small book of 76 pages. Not everyone should read it, only those with comfortable minds should read it. There is already a war inside and outside our country. Living that moment made me very nervous. If it was 200 pages, I probably wouldn't be able to resist it. My score is 8.
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Kızıl KahkahaLeonid Andreyev · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20195.4k okunma
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