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The words that no one says to anyone are no longer words but a light. After Hell and Purgatory, the final stage of the journey has been reached. Virgil, who was supposed to stay in Hell, delivered our hero to Beatrice at the end of Purgatory. Dante is now reunited with the woman he loves and begins to ascend to the level of God with her. From this point on, there is no longer a journey. Because Dante's Description of Heaven is based on a system in which the Earth is the center. Our hero, who rises from the Moon to Saturn, reaches the God level, that is, the Throne, after passing the floors where the Saints and Angels are located. Therefore, it would be wrong to see this stage as a journey. We can say that the heaven part is a mystical theme. After being reunited with the woman he loves, a divine love begins to rise within Dante as he approaches the top. Because the soul has always suffered as long as it was away from its creator. The real thing is to return to the source of reunion. The fact that the Divine Comedy begins from Hell is a representation of these sufferings. Even though the Heaven episode contains such beauties, for me it was very pale compared to the other two episodes. The light effect is used so much that it gets in the way of the actual dialogues, making it difficult to read. The author's inclusion of his religion, Christianity, in so many books gets really tiring after a while. In particular, the belief in the Trinity is so dominant that it causes the reader to experience concentration crises. While I was reading Hell, I said to myself, I wonder who he put in Heaven. When we look at it, there is a very extreme level of misplacement. The author placed the people in his own religious and state history in the heavens. Of course, we cannot say such a thing is at the author's discretion. As a sinner, I say, I prefer Dante's Hell to his Heaven...
İlahi Komedya - Cennet
İlahi Komedya - CennetDante Alighieri · Oğlak Yayınları · 20171,191 okunma
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