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First of all, "Amok" gives the title of this book, which takes its name from Amok disease, which is a psychological disorder. Let me explain what the word is; Individuals infected with this brutal disease, which originates from Malaysia, unconsciously push people to run like crazy, and these individuals often cause harm to their environment. Such an interesting disease... In other words, it is a terrible disease that can lead to suicide. One of the factors that makes the book interesting is that Stefan Zweig ended his life by suicide. You must have read the news that serial killers in our country and around the world murder people and then take their own lives. Yes, most of them are "Amok Runners". It is defined as . Book; It tells the story of a European doctor's terrible mental and physical crisis after being sent to the Dutch colonial East Indies. The book then progresses within the framework of the events he experiences with a pregnant woman he meets there. When I felt that we were mentally and physically depressed, I realized in this book that we should not harm our surroundings and loved ones before it is too late... Among Zweig's books I have read so far is "Chess". I can say that this is the second book that impressed me after the book. The end of the book quite surprised me. After I finished reading it, I added it to the books that surprise and make you think. And I would like to end my review by giving this interesting information; Famous actors starring Featuring Haluk Bilginer and Cansu Dere and written by author Hakan Günday, known for his books Kinyas and Kayra. Those who watched the TV series Şahsiyet will remember that this book appeared in a section of the series... We can say that the subjects of the series and the book are almost parallel to each other. I wish those who will read it a pleasant reading...
Amok Koşucusu
Amok KoşucusuStefan Zweig · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2021112.3k okunma
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