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"Truth exists by itself; "only lies need to be made up" (p.111) Her grandmother is Turkish, her father Arif Ahmet Starova is the cousin of Fethi Okyar, one of Turkey's first prime ministers, and a person who studied at university in Turkey and met Atatürk. Although Luan Staroava was born in Albania in 1941, she has been living in Macedonia since 1945. Therefore, it is again a story of migration. The Museum of Atheism is largely an autobiographical work. The book begins with the death of his father. The author grew up with a father who loved reading and a family that carried more books than furniture during the move. Finding himself in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the father chooses to return to the Balkans because he does not feel that Ataturk's revolution is his destiny and the war is his war. But when he comes to his hometown, Albania, he sees himself going to a more Stalinist country than Stalin. The father, who was indifferent to secularization and left Turkey, could not bear the country's descent into atheism imposed by Stalinism, and this time an emigration took place to Macedonia. The author returns to his homeland, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Stalin's birth, with a conference and tells the story of his country and his family, going back and forth from the past to the present. The "Museum of Atheism" that really existed His trip is at the peak of his psychological interaction. The words of Pyotr Verhovenski of The Possessed: "A new religion is coming here, my friend, to replace the old one." I must say that I read the discussion part with bated breath. "There is no people more unfortunate or more cursed than a people isolated from faith..." the author says. Although he has a point of view, he never makes a clear statement about his own beliefs throughout the book. Having grown up in a cosmopolitan family, he makes his stance against the obscurantist ideology dominant in his country felt by talking about every religion and philosophical perspective. It was one of the most different and informative books I have read in a long time. You inevitably feel the need to do research on Albania and Enver Hoxha's period. I wish those who will read it a pleasant reading.
Tanrıtanımazlık Müzesi
Tanrıtanımazlık MüzesiLuan Starova · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 200722 okunma
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