
416 syf.
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I think this series, which everyone praised, bored me. The books have a simple language and can be read in a jiffy, but I don't know why this series just doesn't draw me in. We still have many similarities with our main character, Anne, but the blandness of the book always pushes me away from this world. Of course, every work is beautiful and worth reading, but there will always be works that fail to impress you. Of course, I can't say I wasn't impressed at all. I think I'm a little too old to enter Anne's adventurous life. I'm sure I wouldn't have made such a comment if we had met 5 years ago. Let's talk about Anne's experiences in the fourth episode. After graduating from university, Anne becomes the principal of Summerside High School. There he has a new home and a new family. He continues to touch his own life and the lives of many people around him, thanks to the colors his endless world of imagination brings to him. But this is life, obstacles are bound to arise.  The Pringles, aka the Summerside Royal Family, face many troubles.  I wonder if Anne, who survived all kinds of difficulties thanks to her love and beautiful heart, was successful in her fight against this family? Although there are also short sections from Green Gables Town, this section mostly covers the Summerside adventures. Describing her love with the most beautiful ornate sentences, Anne tells Gilbert about her experiences throughout the book and the words of love that touch one's heart, through the letters she writes one by one. I think these letters, which cover many parts of the book, were the sections that impressed me the most. I think dreaming is a priceless phenomenon that takes people from this outdated world and takes them around, making them feel freedom to the fullest. Moreover, there are no rules to dreaming. Young or old, fat or thin, rich or poor, none of it makes any sense. The world of dreams is the place where everything meaningless becomes meaningful. Here, Anne started this story by dreaming. Who knows, maybe it will come true. So did it happen? Only those who read the book know this.
Yeşilin Kızı Anne 4
Yeşilin Kızı Anne 4L. M. Montgomery · Ephesus Yayınları · 20203,125 okunma
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