
328 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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After reading the author's book Travma, there is only one book left that I haven't read. Actually, I didn't intend to read all of his works, but his language and fiction impressed me so much that I continued reading. For me, detective-thriller-horror books are a genre where I can take a breather among the classics. That's why I frequently include it in my reading lists and I'm open to suggestions on this subject. The book Trauma was my favorite among the author's books I have read. My opinion and impression on this subject was actually more personal, independent of the subject. Every book that is about children or about topics related to them has a very special place for me. I'm quite sensitive and affected at this point. In this novel, the subject revolves around children. Children in different parts of the world who cannot experience the excitement of being a child and experience incredibly scary events. The main theme is shaped by events based on tension and fear and conveyed to the reader by the main character. I don't want to write anything about the subject of this book. If anyone is interested, I just ask them to open it and read it. There are 4 newspaper headlines in the novel, related to the main event. Three of these are completely taken and transferred, that is, real events. As I read those parts, it hit me, destroyed me and passed me by. I wish we could offer a life to every child just so that they can enjoy their childhood, so that they don't have to be exposed to painful situations and struggle.     I think that Wulf Dorn has managed to keep his sense of curiosity at high levels by using his language fluently in this book. I was just undecided about the ending and deducted a point from there. I would like the event to be linked to a cause and effect, but as I thought about it later, perhaps the author presented a horror dystopia and asked people "What could happen?" that he did not care about. He may have wanted to show the answer to the question. I definitely recommend it to readers who have read and loved the author.
TravmaWulf Dorn · Pegasus Yayınları · 20172,171 okunma
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