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25 years in Turkestan... The author of the book, Özer Ravanoğlu, is an engineer assigned by the Turkish Religious Foundation to build mosques in the Turkic Republics in the Turkestan geography. In addition to the exponential progress of the mission that started with a mosque, how the spiritual bonds with our brothers there were formed, how they progressed, their perspective and thoughts towards us; The current situation, economy, lifestyle, culture and values ​​of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, are discussed in great detail, and can easily be visualized even if you do not see them. He perfectly captured how we were discriminated against and how we were subjected to cultural imperialism despite our similarities with our compatriots living there, and I'm glad he did. The parts of the book that impressed me the most: 1. A conversation between Mehmet Emin Alpkan and İsa Yusuf Alptekin (about İsa Yusuf Alptekin's ability to support his crowded family) 2. The author's criticism of us after being invited to an opera program in Kyrgyzstan and the subject of the opera being the Manas Epic. 3. The sad story of Tölögön Aytmatov, father of Cengiz Aytmatov 4. Shabdan Baatir's struggle 5. The gift Mukhtar Shahanov received from two old women during the welcoming ceremony after he studied and came to his hometown. ## The only point I didn't like was that some sects were described and even praised in the book. I didn't like this point because I am against all kinds of sects, even the best ones. ## What I find missing is that when I read a book about Turkestan, for some reason I always expect Osman Batur or Sheikh Shamil to be mentioned, even if just a little. It was a book that I liked very much because it increased my longing for Turkestan, which I was already dying to see. I'm glad the author went there and wrote it. Thank you for your efforts.
Tanrı Dağları'nın Gözyaşları
Tanrı Dağları'nın GözyaşlarıÖzer Ravanoğlu · Ötüken Neşriyat · 20169 okunma
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