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Pais, a distinguished physicist and historian who knew Einstein both professionally and personally in the last years of his life, has produced the most complete scientific biography of all time. Pais worked with Nielsbohr in 1946 and later wrote a detailed biography about his life and work. He then wrote short biographies of other important figures of the time, such as Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, John Von Neumann and Eugene Wigner, whom he knew personally. However, the book that launched Pais' biography career was his "masterpiece", the #Einstein biography titled "God is Cunning". The original German version of the title of the book, which was translated into English from a sentence written by Einstein on marble above the fireplace in the faculty hall of the mathematics building in Princeton in 1930, is as follows. “Raffinert Ist der Herrgott aber boshaft Ister nicht.” Pais translates this sentence as: “God is cunning, but not malicious.” What distinguishes this book from others is its details and insight into Einstein's "scientific contributions" without touching too much on issues related to his personal nature that do not affect his role as a scientist. While Pais does not completely neglect Einstein's personal side, he derives the real power of the work from physical ideas. As Einstein said: “The essence of being my type lies in exactly what you think and how you think, not in what you do or how you live.” Examining in detail the formulation of Einstein's theories of relativity, his work on Brownian motion, and his reaction to quantum theory, this book reveals the profound impact Einstein's ideas had on physics. Pais fills in the gaps on many issues, such as Einstein's fondness for philosophy, his concern for the fate of the Jews, and his views on great figures from Newton to Freud. I read the book, the foreword of which was prepared by #rogerpenrose, over three months and with great pleasure.
Albert Einstein’ın Bilimi ve Hayatı
Albert Einstein’ın Bilimi ve HayatıAbraham Pais · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20217 okunma
Yusuf Yılmaz okurunun profil resmi
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