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The book begins with the troubles our protagonist Cem experiences after his father abandons them. Private teaching institutions, university, anxiety about the future, and the biggest one is money shortage. They move from Istanbul with their mother and settle in Gebze with their acquaintances. Working at a bookstore is not enough for him, and with some advice, he aspires to become a well-maker's apprentice. He tells his mother that he will come back in two weeks and leaves the woman, who was not his heart from the beginning, alone. In fact, these parts of the book were explained so slowly that at one point I really thought I would leave it unfinished. The first 50-60 pages tell about the well, Master Mahmut, the water, and how the water never comes out. But then the story changes with the arrival of the red-haired woman. Cem, who is in high school, falls in love with a woman twice his age. A red-haired female theater artist organizes a show for the public in a tent with her family and friends - for a fee, without being affiliated with the state. Since you think about him day and night, you are constantly watching his house and now you are reading something other than well conversations. When he finds out that the woman whose house he has been spying on for days is married - that Turgay, whom he previously knew as his brother at the same table, is actually her husband - his world falls apart. And later, after the events that Cem experiences with Master Mahmut - his master - the flow of the book changes. You learn new stories. For example, after reading this book, I added research on Shahnameh to my list. I aimed to read. At the end of the book, I paused for a moment. I said, "There can't be so many coincidences in a row." Then we read the things we already knew from the red-haired woman. The book is generally good, but I can't throw away the parts I didn't like. I advise..
Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın
Kırmızı Saçlı KadınOrhan Pamuk · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 201950.9k okunma
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