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Biographical criticism originated in the nineteenth century. Sanit-Beuve is forerunner of this criticism. It's a sense of criticism that centers on the artist. In this approach, it is thought that the work of art will be clarified to the extent that the person who created it can be understood. For this reason, It turns to the life and personality of the artist. The first one is to clarify the life of the artist by examining the work of art. The second one is that ıt is to clarify the work of art by investigating and examining the life of the artist. Each work carries traces of the life, personality, and view of the world of the person who wrote it. Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu is a Turkish painter, writer, and poet. His poem Karadut also carries traces of the biographical criticism. It is impossible to understand the structure of art without being well understood the artist's life, his personal life, the books that s/he reads and influenced, his/her personality traits, and his/her relationships with his/her environment. The poem of Karadut was written because of an incident that the author experienced in his real life. It was written because of the love between a visiting student named Mari Gerekmezyan and Bedri Rahmi, who attended classes in the sculpture department. That is to say, Karadut was not written for Bedri Rahmi's wife, but for an Armenian girl he loved when he was married . Biographical texts generally reflect the problems of their time. Mari Gerekmezyan contracted meningitis-tuberculosis in 1946. The troubles of the war that had just ended is continued. Bedri Rahmi sold his paintings for drugs that were hard to find and expensive, but his efforts were not enough to prevent Mari's death. He expressed his sadness in the following lines: “Türküler bitti/Halaylar durdu/Horonlar durdu/Al damar, mor damar, şah damar sustu/Bahçeler put kesildi birer birer/Meyveler salkım saçak taş.” This incident reveals the extent of the post-war drug shortage . Bedri Rahmi Eyuboğlu, one of the leading figures of Turkish poetry in the Republican period, adopts the movement of turning from the dominant ways of the era to folk culture and works of art. He believes that not only new poetry but also modern Turkish art will be created by feeding on this source. In this way, he adds rich elements of Turkish folklore to Turkish poetry with great skill. His poems, as well as his paintings, were inspired by the rich motifs of Folk literature. He wrote sincere lyrical poems with simple language. If attention is paid to the idioms that create sincerity, it will be seen that they arise from the use of words and idioms related to village culture and life, more broadly, of interest in folk culture and life such as “Salkım saçak dalı olmak; günahı, vebali olmak; yoluna can koymak; gökte ararken yerde bulmak.” These idioms arouse glittering warmth in souls. In conclusion, In biographical criticism, it is not so difficult to find traces of the author and his life. Karadut's poem is created by staying under the influence of the author's characteristics and tries to indicate some relationships between the author's life and his work.
KaradutBedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2002156 okunma
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