
Labirentin Şarkısı The Labyrinth Song
İpliğinin yününü insan imgeleminin tarlalarından derlemiştir. Yüzyıllarca  çifçilik, onlarca yıllık ağır hasat, sayısız yürek ve elin  abası bu sıkıca sarılmış iplik düzleşmesine, ayrılmasına ve sarılmasına gitmiştir. Dahası, macerayı tek başına göze almamız dahi gerekmez;  çünkü her  çağdan kahramanlar bizden  önce gitmiştir; labirent iyice bilinmektedir; bize kalan yalnızca kahraman yolunun ipliğini izlemektir. Ve nerede bir nefret bulacağımızı düşünürsek orada bir tanrı bulacağız; nerede bir başkasını  öldürmeyi düşünsek orada kendimizi  öldüreceğiz; nerede dışa doğru yol almayı umsak orada kendi varlığımızın merkezine geleceğiz; nerede yalnız olduğumuzu sansak orada bütün dünyayla birlikte olacağız. Asaf Avidan Evening rises, darkness threatens to engulf us all But there's a moon above, it's shining, and I think I hear a call It's just a whisper through the trees, my ears can hardly make it out But I can hear it in my heart, vibrating strong as if she shouts Oh Ariadne, I am coming, I just need to work this maze inside my head I came here like you asked, I've killed the beast, that part of me is dead Oh Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my head If only I'd have listened to you when you offered me that thread Everything is quite, and I'm not exactly sure If it really was your voice I heard, or maybe it's a door That's closing up some hero's back, on his track to be a man Can it be that all us heroes have a path, but not a plan? Oh Ariadne, I am coming, I just need to work this maze inside my mind I wish I had that string, it's so damn dark, I think I'm going blind Oh Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my mind For the life of me, I don't remember what I came to find Now, tell me princess, are you strolling through your sacred grove? And is the moon still shining? You're the only thing I'm thinking of The sword you gave me, it was heavy, I just had to lay it down It's funny how defenceless I can feel here when there's nobody around Oh Ariadne, I am coming, I just need to work this maze inside my heart I was blind, I thought you'd bind me, but you offered me a chart Oh Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my heart If I'd known that you could guide me, I'd have listened from the start Somewhere up there midnight strikes, I think I hear the fall Of little drops of water, magnified against the barren wall It's more a feeling than a substance, but there's nobody around And when I'm in here all alone, it's just enough to let me drown Oh Ariadne, I was coming, but I failed you in this labyrinth of my past Oh Ariadne, let me sing you, and we'll make each other last Oh Ariadne, I have failed you in this labyrinth of my past Oh Ariadne, let me sing you, and we'll make each other last
Sayfa 36 - Ariadne, Asaf Avidanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiL9ItjmHRwKitabı okuyor
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