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One day, Barış, who rushes up the school stairs to take his exam, finds himself in the middle of a staircase that stretches to infinity. He spends his days here, not knowing whether it is a dream or an illusion. When he is rescued, he finds himself in Küçük Asar, where the children of the gods in Turkish mythology are educated. The son of the God of Peace and War, Kızagan Khan, he is exactly 17 years old and you can feel this on almost every page. In other words, his curiosity, his willingness to make mistakes, his inner voice, everything reflects this. And of course, being the only living son of the God of War brings him completely different characteristics. As he begins to receive education, he begins to get used to the environment. Since he is a bit of a mysterious person, of course his level of education is also very high, and even though he doesn't particularly try, he raises expectations just by his presence. There is a hierarchical system among these demigod people in Küçük Asar. Barış, who naturally attracts all the attention but still has a lot to learn, gets into trouble with something he shouldn't do. But this is not the only problem. As Asena, one of Mother Umay's children, says in the book, Barış is a complete closed box and most of the time it is unpredictable what he will do. This causes us, as readers, to turn the pages with curiosity. I didn't want to give details that would spoil too many surprises, I really liked the book, it was the first time I read such a youth fiction blended with Turkish mythology, while I was reading, I was also looking at the names mentioned in the myth on Google. But the visual work comes out very little. At the end, it seemed like the real events were starting now. The first book gave us the reasons and got us used to the characters in the flow of events where the tempo never slowed down. Well done to the author, I'm looking forward to the sequel ️ #quotation "Peace, son of the God of War," he muttered. "Do you realize how ironic your name is?" .asar's children. .onur calcalli.
Asar'ın Evlatları
Asar'ın EvlatlarıOnur Çalcalı · Luna Yayınları · 033 okunma
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