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Those who have met Alain de Botton once in their lives know this. He does not write books that can be read at once and put aside, he examines a subject to its core, takes you on his horse, takes you to the forest of descriptions and brings you back with a new question mark in your mind. I love it very much and although I find it tiring sometimes, at the end of the day I feel like I'm chatting with someone I love and respect very much. In this book, he has never lazily traveled from hill to hill, examined people from different professional groups, their working environments and the work they do from sociological, psychological, material and existential perspectives, and also performed an autopsy. Reading non-fiction seems much more satisfying to me from time to time because it pushes the brain to think on different levels. You already know Botton, once you start writing he won't let you go until he says the last word. Look at the professions examined in this book; Cargo Ship Observation Logistics Making Biscuits Career Counseling Rocket Science Painting Transmission Engineering Accountancy entrepreneurship Aviation He follows and tells us about these professions, all of which are interesting and require incredible care and effort, step by step, following him like a shadow, as the spouse, friend and guest of the person doing the profession. At the end of the day, he decides ''Our work at least distracts us, provides us with a wonderful soap bubble on which to place our hopes of perfection, concentrates our inordinate concerns on a few relatively small-scale and achievable goals, gives us a sense of superiority, exhausts us respectably, It puts food on the table. It keeps us away from bigger problems. page 329 TRUE.
Çalışmanın Mutluluğu ve Sıkıntısı
Çalışmanın Mutluluğu ve SıkıntısıAlain de Botton · Sel Yayıncılık · 200894 okunma
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