
Hello there. I am an ordinary human being who has no abilities such as being capable of influencing a fairly high number of people. I have no followers - which is a good thing because I am not flawless - I am not intimidating either. In any case, you would not even bother yourselves just to listen to a few words of mine. But I need you to harken me. We are failing. Our only home is being perished. It is a cost we are not now and never ever will be able to afford. We do not have a second home. According to our widely accepted understanding on how it all began; the beginning of the vast, limitless cosmos dates back to 13.8 billion years, roughly. Our only home was given birth by our little star which has been fulfilling its task as a home star remarkably well for a few billions of years. We are wandering around on this planet for thousands of years. Our most dangerous fallacy is our minds' tendancy to think that our only home's resources are unlimited. After all, there are 'cycles', right? Unfortunately, this is not how it works. When anyone starts to talk about environmental issues, you can see there is always at least one who objects. Some carries his/her objections further, saying that all these things being said about such so-called issues have only one aim: Changing the controversial subjects, replacing them by non-sense (!) climatic problems and through this, landing on their precious lands which yield petrol, mines and other values. I do not see a reason for a healhty mind to think in such a way. Besides, it is not just we running out of our water resources. It is air pollution, water contamination, global warming in general, climate change, Venus Syndrome and numerous other problems. Increasing population is the main cause. Birth control used to be talked about yet in these days, especially orient governments talk about the importance of the increment in the population. How? May be they want a guarantee for their places? That is okay, but do they even think about their capacity as a government to take care of all these human beings? Are the resources infinite? Are we infinite? Increasing population will obviously restrict the water used per capita. We need more water now. But guess what happens? It is not raining anymore as much as it has been in the past years. Because increasing population requires cutting more trees down, building reinforced concrete structures, causing the formation of heat islands over the cities, preventing any kind of fall. But our planet would not give up on itself so easily. We should do the same. Even if the population increases, we can still save this planet. Remember, we do not have a second home.
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