
Will you be a man or a woman? I would like you to be a woman. I would like you to feel one day what I feel: I do not agree at all with my mother who thinks that being born a woman is a disgrace. My mother, when she is very unhappy, she sighs: ah, if I had been born a man! I know: ours is a world made by men for men, their dictatorship is so ancient that it even extends to language. man and woman, we say child to say, boy and girl, we say son to say, son and daughter, we say murder to indicate the murder of a man and a woman. In the legends that males have invented to explain life, the first creature is not a woman: it is a man named Adam. Eve comes later, to amuse him and cause trouble. In the paintings that adorn their churches, God is an old man with a beard: never an old woman with white hair. their heroes are male: from that Prometheus who discovered fire to that Icarus who tried to fly, up to that Jesus whom they declare as the son of the Father and the Holy Spirit: almost as if the woman from whom he was born was an incubator or a nurse. Yet, or for this very reason, being a woman is so fascinating. It is an adventure that requires courage, a challenge that is never boring. You will have many things to do if you are born a woman. To begin with, you will have to fight to argue that if God existed he could also be an old woman with white hair or a beautiful girl. Then you will have to fight to explain that sin was not born the day Eve plucked an apple: that day a splendid virtue called disobedience was born. Finally, you will have to fight to prove that inside your smooth and round body there is an intelligence that screams to be listened to. Being a mother is not a job. It is not even a duty. It is only one right among many rights. You will have a hard time screaming it. And often, almost always, you will lose. But you don't have to be discouraged. Fighting is much better than winning, traveling is much more fun than arriving: when you have arrived or have won, you feel a great emptiness. And to overcome that void you have to set out on a journey again, and create new purposes for yourself. Yes, I hope you are a woman: don't mind if I call you a child. And I hope you never say what my mother says. I've never said it... the heart and brain have no sex. Not even the behavior. If you are a person of heart and brain, remember, I will certainly not be among those who will enjoin you to behave in one way or another as male or female. I'll ask you to make the most of the miracle of being born.
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