
Dinyeper'in batı kıyılarında Hunlar ve Ön Bulgarlar'ın yaşadıkları kesinleşti. Gönül diyor ki öğren Almancayı git Hamburg'da Türkoloji tahsili yap. İki topluluğun da dil mirasının Çuvaşçaya kaldığı kesin. Chuv avăn "barn", a special work for drying sheaves – Eng., Dt. oven, Ger. Ofen "oven". Chuv avlan “to marry” – OE ǽwnian, ǽwan “to marry”. Chuv. suffix -lan forms a verb meaning "to acquire the quality specified in the nominal stem" from the Germanic stem aw "legal (marriage)", "a wife". Chuv ătăr “an otter” – P.Gmc *utra, Eng otter , Ger Otter. Chuv ăvăs “asp, aspen” – P.Gmc *apso, OE æps, Ger Espe “asp, aspen”. Chuv čělkhe 1.“tongue”, 2. "language" (common Turkic root til) – Eng to tell. The English word has matches in other Germanic languages and according many experts all they refer to PIE root *del "to aim, calculate", but only some given to it matches stand far in meaning (Lat dolus , Gr δολοσ "fraud"), in contrary, words til/tili/dili meaning "language" are present in all Turkic languages. Chuv čětre “to tremble” (common Turkic root titr) – Ger zittern “to tremble”. Chuv ijja “yes” – Ger ja “yes”. Chuv jěkel “acorn” – P.Gmc *aikel, Germ Eichel “acorn”. Chuv kavle “to chew” – Ger kauen “to chew”. Chuv karta “fence, kitchen garden” – P.Gmc *gardon, Ger Garten, Eng garden. Chuv kěrt “flock, herd” – P.Gmc *herdo, Ger Herde, Eng herd, Sw hjord “herd, flock”. Chuv. kěsle “shackle for sheep” (Bash, Tat. keshən, Balk., Karach. kishan "shackle") – P.Gmc. *skakula, OE. sceacel “shackle, fetter”, Old Norse skökull "pole of a carriage", Dutch. schakel “link of a chain, ring of a net”. Chuv khaltară “to freeze” – P.Gmc *kalda, Ger kalt, Eng cold “cold”. Chuv khatăr “cheerful” – OE hador, Ger heiter “cheerful”. Chuv khămla, "hop" – similar words are common among many languages, including Germanic (e.g., O.Icl. humli, humla, humall, AS. hуmеlе) but Bulgar source of borrowing seems unlikely for them , despite the good phonetic matching. (VASMER NAX. 1973. V. 4: 249-250). However, it is so. Chuv khăt, O.T. qut 1.“happiness, good, use”, 2. "soul, spirit, life vigor" – OE. gōd, Eng. good, Ger. gut, Eng god, Ger Gott. Chuv khĕr “girl, daughter” (O.T. – qyř) – Eng girl. Turkic long vibrating consonant ř (rz) could be converted into sounds r or z in different languages during their development (at present in many Turkic languages qyz "a girl"). The sound ř had also an other modification ĺ (lš) which could be converted into l or š. Turkic word qyrz “girl” was borrowed in English at prehistoryc times and later it was developed into girl retaining the tendency to a long vibrating consonant at the ending of the word. The borrowing of the Turkic *kir into English is explained by V. Terentiev in his own way, drawing on the alleged OE *gyrel, which is not recorded anywhere (TERENTYEV V.A. 1990: 69-74). Chuv. khupax "inn, tavern", Kar., Balk. gabaq "village" – Low Ger. kabacke "closet, hovel". Chuv khurlaxǎn (Uzb qorygat, Türkm garağat etc) “currants” – Eng currants. Chuv khüšĕ “hut, cabin, light house” – Ger Haus, Eng house. Chuv khüte “defence, shelter” – P.Gmc *hoda, Ger Hut, Eng hood, hat, Sw hatt“protection, defence”. Chuv khyr, khyră (in other Turkic languages qarağaj) “pine” – OE furho, ON fura, Ger Fohre “pine”. Chuv lank “to touch” – Ger lenken “ro direct”. Chuv latlă “good” – Eng little (West Gmc *lutila). Chuv lăkh-lăkh “to smile”, lăkhlat “to laugh aloud”, – Ger. lachen a.o. similar Gmc “to laugh”. Chuv –lă (–lĕ, –llă, –llĕ) suffix forming adjectives from nouns and participles meaning "having qualities of" – Eng -ly (1) – similar suffix. Chuv. lutra "low" – OE. loddere "beggar", O.H.G. lotar "vain", Ger. Lotterbube "lazy". Chuv măkăn’ “poppy” – Ger Mohn “poppy” (old form *mæhon). Chuv. năkă “stark”, Tat. nyk “stark” a.o. – OE ge-nàg “rasch, schnell”, Lett. naiks “heftig, rasch, schnell”. Chuv palt “fast, quick” – P.Gmc *balþa, “bold, courageous”, Eng. bold, Ger bald “fast, soon”. Chuv patak "a stick, cane", other Türkic bodaq "branch" from O.T. bod "body, trunk; tribe, clan" – O.E. bodig "a trunk, chest", N.E. body, O.H.G. botah "body". чув. părt, pĕrt "flutter" – Eng. bird. Chuv pichĕke, pichke “barrel” – P.Gmc *büka- (Ger. Bauch, O.E. būc “belly”). Chuv pěçen “sow-thistle” – Ger Vesen “siftings, bran”.
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Senin yerinde olsam mutlaka okurdum yalnız Hamburg'ta değil Münih'te. Münih'te Latif Çelik'in Türkiye'deki Alman ve Almanya'daki Türk izleri üzerine araştırmalar yaptığından evvelen bahsetmiştim. Hem Adanalı bir bakıma hemşehrin sayılır. :)
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Kat-kut-got-god-good. Çok eğlenceli. Doğrulanmış ya da ispatlanmış mı bilmediğimi, yeteri kadar araştırmadığımı göz önünde bulundurun.
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