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Today's book is about the "new realism movement" Slum Children by Pier Paolo Pasolini, one of the representatives of (neorealism). The work emerges as a result of the observations made by the author between 1950 and 1955. And it was published in 1955. We are reading the book in a fluent Nazlı Birgen translation, full of footnotes from the original. We are in Rome after World War II. We meet the child heroes of the book, which takes place in the suburbs of Rome and various towns. Pasolini portrays a young underclass that lives day by day, attacks and steals every item they can sell. Riccetto is just one of these children. We see him evolving into a sometimes self-sacrificing, sometimes generous, sometimes rude person who lives without a family and does not take responsibility. We see Riccetto, whom we started reading as a child, in his 18s. Our character turns into an evolved man who is satisfied with the role that society assigns to him. The events that take place around him have many other heroes besides him. While reading the story of Italian society and people belonging to the lower class, we also encounter a post-war scene. Hunger, greed, misery, loneliness, despair are becoming more difficult than ever because the scars of war are fresh. The choice of child heroes reveals the social degradation in society. The author does not let us forget that the heroes, who travel in organizations and act like adults when necessary, are actually still children, and he portrays them as playing games and shouting. The author takes the reader through all the streets and avenues of Rome until the last chapter. It describes crime, prostitution, death, friendship, and the economic situation, as well as depicting the streets. He keeps the period alive with the children. Slum Children is a polyphonic book, filled with facts and challenging the boundaries at times, and consisting of sections. With the happiness of reading another Italian literature after Last Summer in the City, I recommend it to those who want to read a different novel.
Kenar Mahalle Çocukları
Kenar Mahalle ÇocuklarıPier Paolo Pasolini · Can Yayınları · 202264 okunma
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