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It was a book that I bought without reading the back because the title of the book caught my attention. I usually don't read the backs of books anyway. The more I read, the more I enjoy seeing what will come out of it. This book is also a book written on child development. I started the book without knowing that I would encounter such a book. The author is one of the psychologists who is an expert in his field. He has worked on child development and, according to what he says, he is a very well-equipped person. You already realize this while reading. It consists of exactly thirty letters. All of the letters have a conversational tone, but they focus on issues that are important in child development. The book is actually a book written for mothers. The first letter was written to a mother who is afraid of pregnancy or childbirth. In the following letters, subjects such as the periods and processes after pregnancy, whether one should stay with only one child, what to pay attention to if one does, and how to proceed in cases of jealousy with the first child when one wants to give birth to a second and third child, are touched upon. In the letters that follow, there are topics such as how families should behave when the child meets the environment, what kind of support and behaviors they should provide. Towards the end, the letters in the book end with topics such as school life and how mothers should behave in marriage. I think those who have children should read such books and analyze for themselves what they are doing wrong. I was already someone who had some views of my own about raising children. I don't have a child, but I have figured out in my mind how I should treat my own child when I am older. With this book, I reinforced some of my views and saw the points where I was wrong. I also had the chance to see the mistakes of the people around me who are raising children. Of course, we cannot reach the right conclusions with just one book, but if you are interested in such books, it is a book that I can recommend you to read. You can read it with peace of mind because it is a book that does not bore you in terms of its writing style.
Bir Anneye Mektuplar
Bir Anneye MektuplarWilhelm Stekel · Hayat Yayınları · 199959 okunma
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