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Notes from Underground consists of two parts. The first section is the Underground section. In this section, the worldly and psychological depression experienced by a forty-year-old man whose name is not mentioned is described. The author did not give a name to the hero. We can call this man an Underground Man. An Underground Man is someone who regrets what he has done, does not get angry. He probably likes sweetened tea and people too. Would want to hurt them.19. a century person can't handle being a character. Being conscious is considered a disease in this era. He'd rather be an insect than be so self-conscious. According to him, people with character are very excluded in this era. At the beginning of the work, this Underground Man begins to tell by saying that he is a sick man. The intellectuals of this century are suffering from this disease. There are also those who boast about this disease. The Underground Man, like a doctor, made his own diagnosis himself. He is trying to cure himself. The condition he complains about the most is the feeling of awareness . He is a man who has reached the age of forty, but has not been able to interfere with the forties, he has always been marginalized. The fact that he is so full of anger is a big part of the fact that he cannot be included among people. Dec. He talks about the greatest pleasures in pain. As a pain progresses or December continues, a person gets used to it and begins to feel pleasure, not pain anymore. In the second part of the book, the Underground Man tells why he came to this situation. He is a twenty-four-year-old civil servant. Communication with people is disconnected. He lives in disgust with himself. He mentions the disgusting face of an officer who was working again at that time. He thinks that if he were her, he would hate himself and he is surprised how she can live like this. This Underground Guy must be standing by a pool table one day. The officer who wants to pass by pulls him away from where he is standing as he grabs him by the shoulders without telling him at all. The Underground Man drinks this a lot. He thinks it would be nicer if there was a literary Decider between them. The Underground Man is a rather scrawny man. That's why he knows that he can't take this man down with force, but there's nothing he can do. This situation makes him feel as worthless as a fly. The Underground Man wants to invite him to a duel. A duel is a gunfight between two people to Decipher disputes. Again one day this officer does not give way to him while walking on the road, but he gives no Underground Man. What the Underground Man questions is that he always gives way and he doesn't even care. It makes you feel like this feeling is not equal. The Underground Man writes letters. He writes the letter in such a beautiful language that he doesn't want to send it. A different plan comes to mind. The underground man wants to renew the fur of his coat for this plan. He needs money for this. For the money, he receives money from his boss Anton Antonic on the condition that it is deducted from his salary. He changes the fur of his coat. The Underground Man does not want to give way to the officer when they meet this time. For this, the dress clothes hold an important place. Because it is not the same thing if a poor person does not give way to the officer and a rich man does not give way and crashes. The Underground Man wants to see that he is his equal. Fortunately, the moment he has been waiting for comes. The Underground Man encounters the officer. He won't give way this time. They collide slightly from the shoulder. The Underground Man is slightly shaken. Because this is a strong man in front of you. The Underground Man, sometimes he wants to be alone. Sometimes an opposite feeling meets this with a desire to mix with the crowd. Anton Antonich goes to Setochkin. He is the only person he will talk to for the rest of his life. One day he throws himself out again with this request. But this time he wants to go to Simonov. Simonov is a school friend. He knocks on their door and three friends are talking. No one will notice that he is coming. It makes him feel so worthless. His friends are seriously talking about the farewell banquet they are going to give for Zverkov. Monsieur Zverkov is a smug schoolmate. He tells his other three friends Trudolyubov, Simonov, Ferfichkin that I want to come too, while he is making plans. Then his friends look at the Underground Man. They're not happy that you came at all. He convinces, even if barely. The Underground Man will also participate in their dinner. The Underground Man has no money. But he still goes to the Hotel Paris with a feeling that there will be a turning point in his life. He goes to the hotel early. His friends leave in an hour. When they come, they make fun of the Underground Man. The Underground Man bases so as not to stay at the bottom. They'll be right again. Finally, four friends leave the table. They even scoffed when he told Zverkov that he wanted to fight a duel. Although he wants to take revenge after this incident, he cannot take revenge. He meets a girl named Liza. The girl is a prostitute. He gives him advice for hours. He even gives her the address of his house. Anton receives money from Antonich to pay his debt to Simanov. He writes a letter to Simanov. He apologizes in the letter and puts the money in an envelope. He waits for Liza for days. He wants both to come and not to come. When Liza comes to her house, she comes while arguing with Apollo. He can't control himself with anger, he tells Liza to get out. He can't have a love affair either. Because Liza has left him forever. Acemice bir çeviri oldu şimdiden kusura bakmayın :)
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Notes From Underground
Notes From UndergroundFyodor Dostoyevski · Karbon Kitaplar · 2016128,6bin okunma
102 görüntüleme
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