
If reality were a painting, and I were the painter,
If reality were a painting, and I were the painter, I would paint with all the colors, I would paint all the dreams, I would paint from east to west, every corner and border. I would paint a world where peace and harmony reign. I would draw how many schools teach children with pencils, Everyone would learn and work, no more illiteracy. Unemployment would be no more, people would live with dignity, No theft or crime, only respect and integrity. I would paint the senior officials, humbled and down-to-earth, Doctors aplenty, helping people for free. I would draw the parliament with trustworthy people inside, Working day and night, to make our lives better. I would draw a boy from Burundi studying with a boy from another place, And I would prove that they are equal, in a single exam case. I would paint eyes that don't shed tears and hearts without sorrow, I would keep painting more, as long as I have the colors. I would paint day and night, I would paint my colorful dreams, Even if colors are scarce, I would paint until I exhaust the ink. I would draw the last child leaving the orphanage, Faces that had been painted with smiles, shining with courage. I would paint the last girl who had worked in a designer store, Now with a book in hand, reading with grace and more. I would paint huge streets, spaces for entertainment, In every district, a stadium and playgrounds for amusement. I would paint a long corniche with no casino or bar, I would paint open mosques, night and day, for all to come far. I would paint my daughter, covered in hijab, I would paint my son, striving for what's right and fair. I would paint a road without garbage or holes, I would paint a citizen who falls but never loses his soul. I would draw a beggar outside the market with a filled bowl, Returning home, smiling, with a full heart and soul. I would paint the destitute, with a roof and a bed, I would paint the ambitious, still dreaming ahead. I would paint a prison warden, who is merciful and kind, Imprisoned with a diploma, respected by humankind. I would paint every corner of the neighborhood, for the addicts who roam, I would paint the philanthropists, giving the poor a loving home. I would draw people from all walks of life, Living in peace and harmony, without any strife. If reality were a painting, and I were the painter, I would keep painting until the end, with love, honor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my words. It is my sincerest hope that my painting has touched your heart and inspired you to take action towards creating a better world. We live in a world that is often filled with pain and suffering, but I believe that we have the power to create a new reality, one where love, compassion, and noble attention reign supreme. Together, we can create a world that is filled with beauty, hope, and joy. We can paint a picture of a future that is filled with possibility, a future where every person is valued, respected, and loved. Top Cody
Uğur okurunun profil resmi
Reading this magnificent poem and message filled me with excitement. It's truly impressive how you want to turn the dreams, hopes, and desires in your heart into pictures. 👌 Each line of your poem vividly painted a world that many people envision in their dreams. If the peaceful and harmonious world you expressed in your sincere wishes were real, life would truly change. 😢 Children would receive education, people would live with respect and honesty, doctors would provide free assistance, and our society would be united in solidarity. In such a world, genuine happiness and tranquility would prevail. 😎
ℭody okurunun profil resmi
Thank you my dear friend Uğur, for your elegant and perceptive comment. Your words of appreciation for my intention to transform dreams into tangible pictures mean a great deal to me and to all of us . I hope that we can nurture an unwavering belief that everything is possible and embark on a transformative path towards a positive and harmonious world for future generations. May our dreams and actions bring us closer to the world we envision. Thank you my friend for sharing your comment and for joining me on this journey of envisioning a better tomorrow. We always keep hoping!!
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