
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
God Kronos, the greatest of the Titans, created the first human race not from soil but from a gold mine. This first race lived for a long time in great happiness, without any trouble, like the gods. When their time was over, they fell into sweet sleep and died peacefully. The second lineage was created from silver, which is less valuable than gold. But they were not like the first lineage. When they reached adulthood, they started to commit excesses. Meanwhile, the god Zeus in Olympos, who overthrew his father Kronos from his throne and replaced him, was very angry that the silver noble people did not show him the necessary respect and buried them all underground. Zeus, like his father, wanted to create a new race, and thus, the third people made of bronze emerged. However, Zeus did not forget the races created before he became the chief god. Zeus wished that the people of the golden age who had fallen asleep and passed away would become good daimons. However, he also turned the Silver Age descendants, whom he buried in the ground because they were abusive towards him, into underground demons. The third race created by Zeus was even more fierce than the previous one. They destroyed themselves by fighting among themselves. But Zeus was not satisfied with this and created a fourth lineage. Demigod heroes came from this lineage. When the fourth lineage was completed, the god Zeus gave these brave heroes an immortal life on the islands at the borders of the world. Then he created the fifth race from iron. In his work, Hesiod complains about being a member of the iron family and says: "I wish I wasn't one of these people. I wish I had died sooner or had not been born yet! Because this fifth lineage is the iron lineage. They struggle and are oppressed during the day with all kinds of troubles sent by the gods. They writhe and writhe at night. The only thing they can find is a little joy mixed with troubles.
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