
Now hear this, lovers, my friends: Love is a precious thing; It doesn’t grace everyone. Love is a decorous thing. It makes ash heaps out of hills, Into hearts it blazes trails, Turns sultans into vassals— Love is a courageous thing. The man struck by love’s arrow First feels no pain nor sorrow, But then weeps and screams with woe: Love is a torturous thing. It makes the seas rage and boil, Throws huge waves into turmoil, And makes rocks speak from the soil: Love is a vigorous thing. Mystic Yunus is helpless; No one fells for his distress. His feast is the Friends’s caress: Love is a delicious thing. İşidin ey yârenler Kıymetli nesnedir aşk Değmelere bitinmez Hürmetli nesnedir aşk Dağa düşer kül eyler Gönüllere yol eyler Sultanları kul eyler Hikmetli nesnedir aşk Kime kim vurdu ok Gussa ile kaygu yok Feryad ile âhı çok Firkatli nesnedir aşk Denizleri kaynatır Mevce gelir oynatır Kayaları söyletir Kuvvetli nesnedir aşk Miskin Yunus neylesin Derdin kime söylesin Varsın dostu toylasın Lezzetli nesnedir aşk
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