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Niyazi Yıldırım Gençosmanoğlu / The Epic of Gray Wolves. He was born in 1929 in Ağın district of Elazığ. He received his primary education here. After graduating from Akçadağ Village Institute, he started teaching. He worked as a teacher in various villages and towns for 19 years. Later, he worked as a primary education inspector, deputy branch manager at the General Directorate of Publications of the Ministry of National Education, branch manager, assistant general manager, and Director of State Books in Istanbul. He retired in 1978. Later, he held various administrative positions at the Turkish Literature Foundation and the East Turkestan Foundation. He directed the Voice of East Turkestan magazine. Finally, he managed the Culture-Art column of Türkiye newspaper. He carried out this duty until his death. He had brain surgery three times in a row. As stated in the Malazgirt March, which begins with "The month is August, the day is Friday", he passed away in Istanbul on Friday, the 21st of August, 1992. I. The collapse of the Gokturk State and II. While Hüseyin Nihal Atsız contributed a great work to our literary history with his novel Bozkurtlar, in which he tells the foundation of the Göktürk State, he also gifted the name Kürşad to our nation. Niyazi Yıldırım Gençosmanoğlu, who was influenced by the novel Gray Wolves, with the support of Nihal Atsız, turned the novel into poetry and created the Epic of Gray Wolves. Two masters combined their hearts and literature and created two separate works in two different fields. When we read the epic or poems, we can feel a summary of the novel Bozkurtlar. " "Readers should not be upset, Gray Wolves will be resurrected." He commemorates the two great Turkish nationalists with his words, and may the souls of all our martyrs who fought for the Turkish flag rest in peace. #Bookconsciousness is humanity consciousness.
Bozkurtların Destanı
Bozkurtların DestanıNiyazi Yıldırım Gençosmanoğlu · Türk Edebiyatı Vakfı Yayınları · 1979117 okunma
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