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Within a few years, quantum computing might be able to break RSA encryption, the public-key cryptosystem that is widely used for securing all our data. Without countermeasures, this will render the entire systems driving our economies vulnerable. Quantum will be able to retrospectively decrypt every bit of information ever securely stored and access every secure device, in every network, no matter how remote, around the world. It will probably take a decade to adapt encryption for quantum computing; even if we start now, it is a race against time. Various countries, most visibly China, are believed to be amassing huge warehouses of secure data on everyone and everything globally. These cannot yet be decrypted, but as soon as quantum computing solutions become available, they will become transparent. Our data cannot be taken back. Think of a stranger owning a “copy” of your safe containing all your private details, just waiting for the key to be delivered. This type of power should keep us all awake at night. Data security is merely the tip of the iceberg. Technology now allows Big Tech and governments to know (and soon to anticipate) almost all our moves. Our phones silently allowed track and trace to “ping” us when we came close to someone suspected of having COVID-19; our appliances can monitor our speech and actions; government and nongovernment actors are positioned to manipulate our elections. What is clear, for better or worse, is we are now dependent on many technologies and incapable of operating without them. These technologies will soon grow to include domains such as centrally controlled digital currencies, vehicles, medical and financial data, enhanced movement tracking, vast realms of behavioral science, and countless others. Every one of these can have enormous individual and collective benefits. But they can also be the source of enormous harm. Imagine any bad actor (or even a government) with this level of power— able to use all our data to identify, manipulate, stop/redirect a vehicle, or even eliminate assets, all at the push of a button. None of this is science fiction. As you read this, all these technologies are in development or already deployed to some extent.
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