
432 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 4 days
Oh, here we go again. Another book by Fredrik Backman. I just can’t find the right words to explain how this author makes me feel. He makes me feel frightened, peaceful and sad at the same time. I can’t keep a straight face whenever my hand reaches for one of his books. I swear that i have never ever read books of any kind like his. Every time i read one of his books something dies in me and something much more precious is born instead. I never knew you could feel like that about books. It’s exactly how life makes you feel on daily occasions and that’s what i love about his writing. It’s simply about life but it makes you appreciate everything about it and mourn for even the smallest of losses. You learn to appreciate the things you have and his books are a really good way to be proud of accomplishing the little things and simply surviving. Because we underestimate it, the way we still hope to see the other day, the way we never get tired of it, the way that there’s always hope. And his books are a really good reminder of that. Actually, maybe the best. I haven’t come across anything that can surpass this yet. He writes about human struggles but in the most heartbreaking and heartwarming way at the same time. He reminds you that you’re only human. I can’t appreciate his existence as a writer enough. As for the story it’s about a terrible crime being commited in a small community and we get to read the survivor’s pain and the way she deals with it, the justification of the predator, the suffering of all their loved ones and the rest of the town taking sides. It’s a really tough experience reading it though, i must warn you. You experience injustice in the most painful way and sometimes all you want to do is scream and nothing else. Being a woman always comes with much more responsibility and struggles than being a man. Once again this is confirmed in this town unfortunately. This isn’t all it’s about though, it’s much more than that. It’s about loyalty, friendship, love, parenting, family. It’s such a strong story and it’s about us. All of us. It’s about what we struggle with and deeply care about. It’s about why we keep on going in life and who we hold on to, how we love things and people. That’s why i once again loved this book. And i can’t finish this looong review without saying that my heart is with Benji, since he’s been my favorite character in the book and i can’t wait to learn about the rest of his story. I really hope he has a good future ahed of him cause i know i’ll shatter into pieces if anything happens to him. He has a really big space in my heart now. It should be read. I already wish i hadn’t read it so i could read it for the first time again.
BeartownFredrik Backman · Simon & Schuster · 20179 okunma
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