Gönderi Alıntılamaları

🎉🎉⚡📈✨⚡📈✨⚡📈✨⚡📈 Keep fighting! No matter what happens in your life, you are the strongest being in the world. No one could have gone through what you went through this year. Despite all the problems - you survived - you are still the hero of your own story!💪👏👏👏🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I am glad you were born and I am glad I got to know you and I am glad you are here.❤️ ✨✨May your birthday be the start of a year filled with endless possibility✨✨ ⚡🔥 🌟Happy Birthday Genius Hero!🦁🧠👾 🎉🎉⚡📈✨⚡📈✨⚡📈✨⚡📈 youtu.be/YlTeP_pE2WU?si=...


Thanks me
Looking back, I find myself standing at the crossroads of survival and chaos, marveling at the gritty chapters that brought me here. In the dimly lit clubs where the neon lights flicker like promises, I've danced on the edge of existence, fighting for more than just money. It's not just the physical battles in the dim haze of the dance