
Sınırlarını Fazlasıyla Zorlayan 25 Ürkütücü Film 1- The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 2- Psycho (1960) 3- The Shining (1980) 4- The Exorcist (1973) 5- Rosemary's Baby (1968) 6- Let the Right One In (2008) 7- Misery (1990) 8- The Vanishing (1988) 9- The Skin I Live In (2011) 10- The Others (2001) 11- Funny Games (1997) 12- The Conjuring (2013) 13- Jacob's Ladder (1990) 14- The Wailing (2016) 15- [REC] (2007) 16- Hereditary (2018) 17- The Descent (2005) 18- The Invisible Man (2020) 19- Don't Breathe (2016) 20- Midsommar (2019) 21- A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) 22- Suspiria (2018) 23- Gerald's Game (2017) 24- The Ritual (2017) 25- Malignant (2021)
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