
The interviews
1. Don't worry "The secret to a long life is not to worry. And to keep your heart young-don't let it grow old. Open your heart to people with a nice smile on your face. If you smile and open your heart, your grandchildren and everyone else will want to see you." "The best way to avoid anxiety is to go out in the street and say hello to people. I do it every day. I go out there and say, 'Hello!' and 'See you later!' Then I go home and care for my vegetable garden. In the afternoon, I spend time with friends." "Here, everyone gets along. We try not to cause problems. Spending time together and having fun is the only thing that matters." 2. Cultivate good habits "I feel joy every morning waking up at six and opening the curtains to look out at my garden, where I grow my own vegetables. I go right outside to check on my tomatoes, my mandarin oranges... I love the sight of them-it relaxes me. After an hour in the garden I go back inside and make breakfast." "I plant my own vegetables and cook them myself. That's my ikigai." "The key to staying sharp in old age is in your fingers. From your fingers to your brain, and back again. If you keep your fingers busy, you'll live to see one hundred." "I get up at four every day. I set my alarm for that time, have a cup of coffee, and do a little exercise, lifting my arms. That gives me energy for the rest of the day." "I eat a bit of everything; I think that's the secret. I like variety in what I eat; I think it tastes better." "Working. If you don't work, your body breaks down." "When I wake up, I go to the butsudan and light incense. You have to keep your ancestors in mind. It's the first thing I do every morning." "I wake up every day at the same time, early, and spend the morning in my vegetable garden. I go dancing with my friends once a week." "I do exercise every day, and every morning I go for a little walk." "I never forget to do my taiso exercises when I get up." "Eating vegetables-it helps you live longer. "To live a long time you need to do three things: exercise to stay healthy, eat well, and spend time with people." 3. Nurture your friendships every day "Getting together with my friends is my most important ikigai. We all get together here and talk-it's very important. I always know I'll see them all here tomorrow, and that's one of my favorite things in life." "My main hobby is getting together with friends and neighbors." "Talking each day with the people you love, that's the secret to a long life." "I say, 'Hello!' and 'See you later!' to the children on their way to school, and wave at everyone who goes by me in their car. 'Drive safely!" I say. Between 7:20 a.m. and 8:15 a.m., I'm outside on my feet the whole time, saying hello to people. Once everyone's gone, I go back inside." "Chatting and drinking tea with my neighbors. That's the best thing in life. And singing together." "I wake up at five every morning, leave the house, and walk to the sea. Then I go to a friend's house and we have tea together. That's the secret to long life: getting together with people, and going from place to place. 4. Live an unhurried life "My secret to a long life is always saying to myself, 'Slow down,' and 'Relax. You live much longer if you're not in a hurry." "I make things with wicker. That's my ikigai. The first thing I do when I wake up is pray. Then I do my exercises and eat breakfast. At seven I calmly start working on my wicker. When I get tired at five, I go visit my friends." "Doing many different things every day. Always staying busy, but doing one thing at a time, without getting overwhelmed." "The secret to long life is going to bed early, waking up early, and going for a walk. Living peacefully and enjoying the little things. Getting along with your friends. Spring, summer, fall, winter... enjoying each season, happily." 5. Be optimistic "Every day I say to myself, "Today will be full of health and energy. Live it to the fullest." "I'm ninety-eight, but consider myself young. I still have so much to do." "Laugh. Laughter is the most important thing. I laugh wherever I go." "I'm going to live to be a hundred. Of course I am! It's a huge motivation for me. "Dancing and singing with your grandchildren is the best thing in life." "I feel very fortunate to have been born here. I give thanks for it every day.' "The most important thing in Ogimi, in life, is to keep smiling." "I do volunteer work to give back to the village a bit of what it has given to me. For example, I use my car to help friends get to the hospital." "There's no secret to it. The trick is just to live."
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