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Every ending has a beginning!
It Ends with Us & It Starts with Us by Colleen HOOVER Written by Colleen Hoover who is #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of ‘It Ends with Us’, these books are up-to-date and based on love relationships. Although this sometimes leads to a love and hate triangle, the first love can be different from the others.  So, it can be unnecessary for fighting. Before reading these books, I thought that ‘It Ends with Us comes after ‘It Starts with Us. However, when I learned the opposite, I was surprised and charmed by this tiny turmoil. It started to seem so meaningful for me. I can say that it is a sign of happiness and new beginnings in the former book, which make me feel good at least after the first one. Don’t be confused, please. ‘It Ends with Us’ is the first one which some spots and the climax occur, ‘It starts with Us’ is the last one which a woman trying to  run away from pains. In the books, we have three main characters, but the protagonist is Lily. All happenings are around Lily. Who is trying to be happy, healthy and in the pursuit of happiness… Her experiences she has with two men and her father encompasses the big part of the book. While Lily is a child, she is exposed of his father’s imbalanced manner due to excessive alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, she witnesses his mother’s dependence and vulnerability. Lily’s mom directly personalizes Collen’s mom. At the end of ‘It Ends with Us’, in eponym part, Colleen mentions that. Collen Hoover writes these book by considering her real-life challenges. Actually, she just decides to write ‘It Ends with Us. However, the readers don’t want to see Lily’s unhappiness all the time. They want to see her live in a good way. Hence, Colleen aims to write ‘It Starts with Us. I have just read the books, but I would do what the readers did. Since the former one includes more pathetic situations, we need to look at the other side of the story like seeing Lilly independent and strong. Thanks to eponym, I completely understand the messages of the author ,and feel how much she suffers deeper. When it comes to the inner, I am writing this from my personal perspective rather than a summary. We coincide with lots of troubles, heartbreaks in these. Remember that I mention two men. One of them is Atlas who Lily fell in love in the past. The other man is Ryle who is Lily’s husband and has anger management disorder owing to excessive alcohol consumption. In this way, Ryle has so identical experiences with that of Collen’s father has. Because of this disorder, the relationship between Ryle and Lily is broken in time just as Lily’s mom and dad. Actually, this is quite expected. Because Ryle is a little arrogant and has self-confidence. Nevertheless, his disorder is the major effect on this separation. While in the first book ‘It Ends with Us’ Lily has to overcome the troubles and situations Ryle puts her into, in the other book ‘It Starts with Us’ something starts to change for Lily. She deserves to be happy now and has a relationship with Atlas who is the first boyfriend. Now, Ryle is a weak-ASS ex-husband. What lily experiences is too hard for all women over the world. Therefore, I am so glad for her to be with Atlas. When compared among two men, Atlas has the upper potential than Ryle according to traits women desire. In the former book when I read, I felt so stressed and oppressed as if I were Lily. She doesn’t want to live in the same condition that her mother does, which encourages her to live off with her baby without being susceptible to anyone. I appreciate Lily for that. Moreover, her love and caution for her baby are undeniable. Even if Atlas is her ex-boyfriend, she decides to go slower with Atlas for her baby named Emmerson. It is obvious to see Lilly’s motherhood and however devoted she is. To sum up; --Spoiler-- whatever happens, we witness their happy ending. ‘It Ends with Us’ precedes with ‘It Starts with Us’,  But the latter one was my favorite. It is complementary to the former. Of course, since including better experiences in comparison with the other one, I think ‘It Ends with Us’ stands for new beginnings that they are all together and peaceful. I tried to transmit my feelings and opinion about the books, and we allude to Colleen Hoover’s real life. I hope that you are allured with this review and want to read this series. I can feel you are sorrowful for Lily but be sure that she is happy now. Thank you for reading this far.
It Starts with Us
It Starts with UsColleen Hoover · 20221,740 okunma
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