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Book Review: The Gothic Novel of Human Nature
One of the first examples of science-fiction, Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley, in 1818. It based on the story of a man who is studying on science and his scientific ‘creature’. And, because of the time that story was written in Gothic Literature, Frankenstein has both Enlightenment Period and Romantic Period structures. Mary Shelley uses some symbols and messages to explain the ‘human nature’ at the period between Enlightenment and Romantisicm.Shelley uses ‘contrasts’ of symbols, themes, settings and moods to show the differences of Enlightenment and Romantisicm and their effects on human nature. First symbols, in setting contrasts, ‘Genova’ which is a ‘cold’ city symbolizes ‘Enlightenment; but at the same time, ‘countryside’ which is ‘warm’ symbolizes ‘Romantisicm’. Also, as The Gothic Literature has, Frankenstein has moody and mysterious atmosphere which is provided by setting and, especially, the effects of the setting on characters. Victor becomes ill after the creation of the creature. But when he goes to the ‘countryside’, he starts to feel better.Second, with using symbols, Shelley makes an impression about the ‘society’ at that time. The theme ,‘consequences of society’s rejections of someone who is unattractive’ is shown through ‘the creature’. It appears that ‘god creates human good, but society makes them evil’. Additionally, through telling story on the ‘letters’ of Victor, The Creature and Robert Walton; Shelley shows that ‘there is not ONE truth in society. Truth is variable and relative’. Besides, in characterization, The Creature represents ‘the alter ego’ of Victor. Also, as can be seen in page 45, it is called ‘the creature’ and has no name. It shows that The Creature refers ‘human society’.As expressed above, with these symbols and messages, Mary Shelley tries to state the human/society condition at that period. Making contrasts or comparisons between two periods’ symbolizations, the human society is criticized. And at the same time, the novel is used to show the dark side of human nature.
FrankensteinMary Shelley · Antik Batı Klasikleri · 200914.3k okunma
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