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A Revenge Story: Hamlet
Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare, between 1599 and 1601. It is a ‘play’ which is a ‘revenge’ story of the ‘Prince of Denmark’ , Hamlet. But not just a ‘revenge story’. In the time, critics had argued ‘Is Hamlet just a revenge story?’ And, with some invention in psychology and litreacy, they found out some other messages. These findings paved the way to ask ‘What is the psychological background of Hamlet?’. Shakespeare gives situations, and dialogues to show the ‘psychological backgrounds’ of characters and ‘how easily revenge can spiral out of control’.Hamlet says “To be or not to be, that’s the question…”. Shakespeare shows the thoughts of Hamlet within a situation that “Hamlet speaks with his ‘own’ mind”. Also, the first in the litreacy, Hamlet has a part ‘play within play’. It appears that Hamlet wants to see the ‘reacts of other characters’ to find out the murderer of his father, King Hamlet. With dialogues, especially ‘monologues’, Shakespeare shows the psychological conditions of characters and the effects on other characters. In page 81, the dialogue of Ophelia and Hamlet clearly shows the psychological situation of both of them.Hamlet and Leartes want to take ‘revenge’ because of their fathers’ death. But at the end of the play with the death of everyone who want to take revenge, it is shown that the revenge can get out of control. Shakespeare uses two types of ‘form of revenge’. One of them is ‘revenge of men’, and other is ‘revenge of women’. In the play, men have power and they can do whatever they want to take revenge. But, women are weak, in terms of ability and opportunity of taking revenge. Leartes anad Ophelia are suffering pain because of the death of their father. While Leartes wants to take revenge on Hamlet, Ophelia commits suicide. Although, her suicide not just because of her father’s death directly, it can be seen as a reason for her suicide. It seems that Shakespeare preferred dialogues and monologues to clarify characters.In conclusion, it appears that Shakespeare wants to show ‘revenge can get out of control easily’. Moreover, Hamlet has different types of reactions to revenge, through different persons. Shakespeare expresses the psychological conditions and feelings of characters. And with these elements which are mentioned above, they clearly show “Hamlet is a revenge story but not ‘just’a revenge story.”
HamletWilliam Shakespeare · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 202345.5k okunma
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