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I have read many historical novels so far and I will read many historical novels from now on, but the one that had such an impact on me and its fiction, starting from 1908, made me feel as if I were in that year and subsequently in Thessaloniki, Dersaadet, Tripoli or 1926. I wonder when I will again experience living in a work in Pera, Istanbul, as if I were witnessing any event at any moment. It was a tremendously shocking and at the same time informative work in terms of the presentation of historical facts within the content of the novel. To the Committee of Union and Progress II. Şehsuvar Sami, the narrator of the novel, who entered before the declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy on July 23, 1908, presents the reader with the events that have happened since approximately 1907, both from his personal perspective and on an objective historical plane, with its general impact on the Ottoman society at that time. II. History, so to speak, moves quickly after the declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy, and will force Şehsuvar to make a choice in the dilemma he faces. Thus, it will be possible to better understand that period through a breathless reading adventure. The passion of the Şehsuvar Sami character, his criticism of what is wrong at all times and places - even if he does not express it out loud at some moments, his openness in the letters he wrote to Ester, the woman he loves, and perhaps most importantly, his being an individual who lives his life on the lines he believes in, make him admire him. , turned him into a vivid person living in my mind. Both the last period of the Ottoman Empire and the Second World War. The novel built a qualified panorama in my mind about the dominance of the Committee of Union and Progress over the administration after the Constitutional Monarchy and the first years of the Republic of Turkey after the declaration of the republic. For this reason, I wish everyone who will read it a good reading.
Elveda Güzel Vatanım
Elveda Güzel VatanımAhmet Ümit · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 202011.8k okunma
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