
841 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 79 days
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Ulysses was a work that I found very entertaining. Yes, there were parts that were difficult and made me shed a lot of sweat. After all, the preliminary preparations it requires from you are not insignificant. What are they? 1. Odyssey 2. Shakespeare's life and the stories about him 3. Having read all of Shakespeare's works and analyzed them 4. History of Ireland's struggle with England 5. History of Christianity 6. And of course mythology... I love all of these. Of course not, I constantly researched on the internet with my mobile phone in my hand while reading, which slowed down my reading speed. You must either prepare in advance or do your research while reading, otherwise reading the book is meaningless. Let me add that the book has a dictionary published by Nevzat Erkman. The book consists of 18 chapters and each chapter is written in a different style. For example, the last chapter consists of Molly's monologue, while another chapter is written entirely using the interview technique. Apart from these, the book contains a section where reality and the subconscious mix with fantasy elements, and another section consisting only of details instead of a plot. While some sections are very challenging for you, others can be read fluently. In fact, James Joyce knows very well where you are having difficulties and where you are confused, and he makes fun of them. One of the most challenging situations for me was that the book had more than one narrator and in some places I was confused in figuring out who the narrator was. The author is having a lot of fun with you on this subject towards the last chapters :) We should not miss the names in the book, probably if they were collected, there would be over a thousand. The author enjoys this and comes up with very funny and funny names after a while. In conclusion, I liked the book despite all its difficulty (it is definitely a work that demands from you). As it was said in one of the analyzes I read about the book, you don't need to try hard to understand every reference in the book, just relax and take what you can from the book and leave what you can't to time, maybe in another reading (yes, this book should be read more than once) we will reach that level :)
UlyssesJames Joyce · Norgunk Yayıncılık · 20151,094 okunma
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