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Love story
Lilly herself would never have believed she would end up in this situation. Her first love and her past...Everything was confusing and yet so simple... When Atlas suddenly reappears,everything Lily has built with Ryle is threatened. You will be smiling through your tears.. Just because we didn’t end up on the same wave doesn’t mean we aren’t still a part of the same ocean. The book is worth reading I especially loved the ending and mom talk… the way she craves weakness beside her mom and wants to give up on showing strength…by crying in her arms… This conversation melted my heart.. Lily; Sometimes…when I am really missing him..I tell myself that maybe it wasn’t that bad. Maybe I could put up with him when he’s at his worst just so I can have him when he’s at his best. Mum; I know exactly what you mean,Lily.But the last thing you want to do is lose ~sight of your limit~.Please don’t allow that to happen. - We all have a limit. What we're willing to put up with before we break. When I married your father, I knew exactly what my limit was. But slowly . . . with every incident . . . my limit was pushed a little more. And a little more. The first time your father hit me, he was immediately sorry. He swore it would never happen again. The second time he hit me, he was even more sorry. The third time it happened, it was more than a hit. It was a beating. And every single time, I took him back. But the fourth time, it was only a slap. And when that happened, I felt relieved. I remember thinking, At least he didn't beat me this time. This wasn't so bad."" She brings the napkin up to her eyes and says, "Every incident chips away at your limit. Every time you choose to stay, it makes the next time that much harder to leave. Eventually, you lose sight of your limit altogether, because you start to think, Tve lasted five years now. What's five more?'"
Colleen Hoover
Colleen Hoover
It Ends with Us
It Ends with UsColleen Hoover · Atria Books · 20166,5bin okunma
44 görüntüleme
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