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Emre Timur / Puppeteer A people who think that the whole world is just an island in the middle of the ocean, a king who only thinks about himself and his men, the struggle for existence of those who live in an atmosphere where unhappiness and melancholy surround everything. #Puppetmaster is a striking example of what life could be like in a world about to collapse. There are people on the island who do not know happiness, who do not care about what happens around them after surviving, and who live like sheep. An administration that doesn't let you have your voice heard. In a world where love, faith and hope are considered sins and those who live them are condemned to death, those who breathe think they are alive. Reality and imagination will mix while reading. The puppeteer expressed so many things to me that I cannot put it into a single mold. He was previously a lame carpenter from birth who was afraid of attracting attention and had problems with his family. When what he sees is heavy on his eyes and what he experiences is heavy on his conscience; He was a puppeteer who hid behind masks he made to hide his shyness. His life is full of pain, with his mother absent and his bedridden father. A faint and invisible man. The more I read, the more this man became more of a symbol to me than a character. It made one feel conscience, shame and cowardice. As his experiences got worse and he began to question the facts, he realized that some things inside him that he could not name were disappearing. Personally, it left me with my inner voice, restlessness and rebellion. The author has such a pen that even if you don't like what you feel, you understand his implications and you feel tired as if a burden has been placed on your shoulders. Later I took a look; These feelings gave way to dreams, goals and hope. Now there was a hero, a warrior in front of me. The existence of another island, which should not be seen and whose reality is difficult to prove, made him dream. He had to inform all the people and take everyone to this island, which he saw as paradise. So would the king allow this? Even if the people had doubts, would they hold on to hope? At the end of this, he would either die or be free. A book that will make you question and think about loneliness, hunger for love, ignorance and isolation from society. You will explore life and death, freedom and captivity, and sail towards a hopeful future. Enjoyable reading…
KuklacıEmre Timur · Az Kitap · 202485 okunma
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