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Even one look is enough to tell everything. Emotions that fill your heart It stayed in your heart. I wanted to start my review by writing a section from the poem that gave the book its name. It is a poetry book composed of the poems chosen by Behçet Necatigil, undoubtedly one of the most important poets of the republican period. In his poems, Behçet Necatigil generally depicted the sadness, resentment, love, depression, illness, loneliness and death of people in daily life, in the most sincere and simple way, like an embroidery master. In his own words, there is an "inside" in his poems. Although there are changes in the form of the poems, there is no change in the inner essence. He likens this to rings in water. Even though the rings grow and their shapes change, the center is always the same. Coming to the book, one encounters himself in the poems. He finds some pieces of his own life. "My hopes, no matter what, are over; "Fears went on guard"  he says, referring to our lost hopes. "You are with me again tomorrow, wait! The mail train didn't come." he says, describing our endless wait. "How long will the longing last?" he calls out, referring to our never-ending longing. "Now-- Oh, I hit my head on the rocks, Oh, I fell into the streets at night! Who knows when I'll meet you, "And I will recognize him again, but he is suspicious again."  In his verses, he expresses the sadness of missed opportunities. "Your face was suddenly darkened by a cloud that descended It is like this If you were to laugh a little, would you be the one laughing? "Sadness overtakes me immediately"    "In his lines, he touches upon the sadness that haunts us and adds" "Because sadness is an old friend and crown jewel Our yeast kneaded with it let it come We can't be without it."   He magnanimously turns sadness into an old friend, a crown jewel. Then he repeats, in a grand manner, a sentence of advice that has been recited many times by our elders. "Things you overestimate You will laugh in the future!" They didn't call him the poet of homes for nothing, all his poems have the same sincerity and warmth, he is one of us, he is like us, it is a book that I highly recommend you to read, if you want to find yourself, stay in love.  :)  
SevgilerdeBehçet Necatigil · Can Yayınları · 20211,070 okunma
K. okurunun profil resmi
Sitede son 1 senedir şiir okuma oranı arttı. Ne güzel... Üstelik bunu biz gençlerin yapması bir ayrı kıymetli... Kaleminize sağlık... :)
Mona okurunun profil resmi
Sizin gibi güzel kalpli insanların bu incelemeleri okuyup bizi mutlu etmesi de çok güzel çok teşekür ediyorum :)))
Beyza okurunun profil resmi
Ellerinize sağlık *-* çok da güzel olmuş incelemeniz ^_^
Mona okurunun profil resmi
Çok teşekkür ediyorum okuyup begenmeniz beni çokça mutlu etti :)
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Ö. S. A. okurunun profil resmi
Evlerin Şairi... Güzel bir lâkapmış:) eline sağlık, hoş bir inceleme olmuş
Mona okurunun profil resmi
Çok teşekür ediyorum :)
Yunus okurunun profil resmi
Kitap anlaşılan çok "iç"tenmiş:) Çok hoş çok güzel incelme olmuş emeğine yüreğine sağlık. :)
Mona okurunun profil resmi
Çok Teşekkür ediyorum. :)
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Yağmurkokulukitaplar okurunun profil resmi
Cok içten ve güzel anlatmışsın gercekten hisederek okuduğunu hisettiriyorsun. Emegine sağlık cok güZel bi inceleme olmuş ;)
Mona okurunun profil resmi
Bu güzel yorumunuz için bende size gönülden Teşekkür ediyorum :)
Yağmurkokulukitaplar okurunun profil resmi
Rica ederim ;)
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