
Sevgiyi Vermenin 50 Yolu
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one . Love yourself first. 2. Start the day by embracing your loved one. 3. Take breakfast to your loved one's bed. 4. Say 'I Love You' to each other every time you part. 5. Compliment often. 6. Accept and appreciate the differences between you. 7. Live each day as if it were your last. 8. Write unexpected love letters. 9. Plant a sapling together and grow it with love. 10 . Go out once a week. 11.  Send each other flowers without a reason. 12. Accept and love each other's friends and families. 13. Prepare papers saying 'I Love You' and hang them around the house. 14.  Stop and smell the flowers. 15. Give him a kiss when he doesn't expect it. 16.  Watch the sunrise together. 17.  Apologize when necessary. 18.  Remember the day you fell in love and remember it often. 19. Hold hands. 20. Say 'I Love You' with your eyes. 21. Let him cry in your arms. 22. Tell him you understand. 23. Toast to your love and devotion. 24. Provoke each other. 25. Let him help you when you need it. 26. Laugh at his jokes. 27.  Praise your inner beauty. 28. Share his responsibilities, even if just for a day. 29. Encourage him to dream. 30. Show him your love in front of everyone. 31.  Take nature walks together. 32. Keep a love diary and note your special moments. 33. Soothe each other when you are angry. 34. Walk on the beach barefoot. 35. Propose to her again. 36. Say yes. 37.  Walk on the beach hand in hand in the moonlight. 38. Be respectful of each other. 39. Be his biggest fan. 40. Show him the love he needs. 41. Give him as much love as you dream of receiving. 42. Show interest in his work. 43. Work on a project together. 44. Play games together whenever you get the chance. 45. Get on the swing and swing as high as you can in the moonlight. 46. ​​Have a picnic at home on a rainy day. 47. Never go to bed angry. 48. Let him be the first in your prayers. 49. Kiss each other goodnight. 50. Sleep with a hug.
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