
472 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
My life is pretty much like this: I spent 11 months and 28 days of every year looking forward to the new John Grisham book and then 2-3 days devouring it. He is the master of the opening paragraph. Immediate hooks. Short sentences. You don't even notice his writing style after the first page or two but it's effortless to read. And there are many things about this book which make it a strong addition to his books. I read it in two days and The Firm was the first Grisham novel that I tried, and I suspect that is the case for many of his fans. This story began simply enough: Mitch, a young man who grew up poor in the south without much family was very smart. He finished graduate school for his law degree in the top ten of his class and married his high school sweet heart. Although he'd intended to make the rounds of all the top places for attorneys, he quickly accepted The Firm's offer - partly because he and they seemed to click and partly because they said family was important to them. When he accepted their generous offer, they also told him they'd pay off his school debts so that it wasn't hanging over him. They leased him a BMW that he'd need to pay them back after he made partner in a few years. Mitch did indeed work very hard for the firm, putting in longer hours than anyone. However, little by little, Mitch began trying to make sense of certain events - how and why were two of the firm's lawyers found dead in the Caribbean in the last year or so? Relatively soon, Mitch was approached by an FBI person who hoped to entice Mitch to turn over documents that they could use against the firm. Mitch was leery about that. The story continued unfolding with lots of ups and downs. We readers could guess but not really know how it would turn out until near the end of the final chapters. For his first book, Grisham's writing style is a fascinating example of the modern day thriller. The ending was unsettling. It told me that by living in a modern, free society we are beset with risks; if you make the wrong choise at the wrong time then you may be forced to pay for this mistake for the rest of your life. Even if you beat the bad guys. So who says that good always overcomes evil? Overall, I found Grisham’s work nothing short of exceptional. If you’re into thrillers, I highly recommend it. 5 stars from a fellow thriller enthusiast.
ŞirketJohn Grisham · Remzi Kitabevi · 2009151 okunma
108 görüntüleme
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