
5: Stella
Closer. Almost to the edge. I inhale sharply, the cold scraping at the inside of my lungs. He dangles one foot off the end, and the open air makes my throat tighten up. He can’t— “Will! No! Stop!” I shout, taking a step closer to him, my heart pounding in my ears. He stops, leg floating off the edge. One more step and he would have fallen. One more step and he would have . . . We stare at each other in silence, his blue eyes curious, interested. And then he starts to laugh, loud and deep and wild, in a way so familiar, it feels like pressing on a bruise. “Oh my god. The look on your face was priceless.” He mimics my voice, “Will! No! Stop!” “Are you fucking kidding me? Why would you do that? Falling to your death isn’t a joke!”
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