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In our history, it is written as an axiom that "the Ottoman Empire collapsed because it had completed its life". A different look at the issue allows us to say the following: The Ottoman Empire collapsed because it constituted at least a moral obstacle to imperialism: That is why the state established in its central lands had to be completely different - even opposite to it. This necessity of being opposite constitutes the backbone of the ideology of the Turkish revolution. The abolition of the Caliphate, the closure of lodges and zawiyas, the principle of secularism, the written-language and historical revolution, etc. All these need to be considered from this perspective. Which powers could the Caliphate pose the biggest obstacle to? Couldn't it be that lodges and zawiyas were targeted and closed down because they were made to play a role in the formation of an anti-imperialist reaction by Sultan Abdulhamid? What power implemented the writing and language revolutions carried out by the "independent" State in Turkey on the Turkish communities under Soviet control? Did we become secular because we couldn't be Christians? Why couldn't the "Turkish State", based on tribe, establish at least cultural relations with Turks outside Türkiye? Since the "Turkish State" eliminated the Ottoman Empire, why could not permanent relations be established with other states established on the Ottoman Empire's territory, but only relations in the manner desired by the states that were the bosses of the world? Why was Turkey turned into an island disconnected from the world, when it was in a position to establish the broadest relations with its surroundings? There can only be an answer to these questions: Turkey's "post-war ideology" only envisaged such an area of ​​operation..." We must not forget the fact that post-war ideologies state that "imperialists had to achieve in peace what they could not achieve through war"...
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