
240 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
6 günde okudu
Shadowless This is a weird book to read, and even weirder to review because the beginning was so totally freakish I felt lost, like very lost in 100 pages. But I kept reading because the book was short and I really wanted to give it a fair chance and to finish it. With that being said, the end was cool. About more than half of the way through the book I thought "oh hey, there is a plot!" and was finally very excited that I was starting to follow along more rather than spending the whole time confused in it. The story is very surreal, it follows the lives of those living in a small Turkish village, and those who go missing/and are found there. I had to pause and reread a lot of scenes just to check if I missed a part that said the character had gone to bed and the story feels timeless too- at one point someone mentions a truck and it gave me such whiplash because I had assumed the story was taking place long in the past- although, that's what it's like in villages, they exist in their own world and time and are so apart from the giant cities in the country. More ever, the story jumped from one place to another, it defied the laws of physics, it presented characters living in multiple realities, it had an overall hazy, dreamlike feel. But if the Author’s sole purpose was to just create this strange fantasy, where nothing quite makes sense and most questions are left unanswered, then that is what he achieved. But still I don’t know if the story is a metaphor for something bigger. Is there a symbol in the snake? A deeper meaning in the role of the barber or the watchman? Something more to understand in the (dis)connection between the village and the city? Towards the end the story started picking up, some questions were answered and the plot and characters developed. I began to feel glad I had not given up, but sadly the ending left me disappointed. Maybe I’m not intellectual enough to truly grasp the Author’s suggestions about reality. Recommend for: God!
GölgesizlerHasan Ali Toptaş · Everest Yayınları · 202012,7bin okunma
28 görüntüleme
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