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Basic principles of animalism (We can call it the barn manifesto) 1. You will consider everyone who walks on two legs as an enemy. 2. You shall consider everyone who walks on four legs or has wings to be your friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothing. 4. No animal shall lie on the bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill another animal. 7. All animals are equal. George Orwell “Animal Farm”.. The work, which criticizes the Soviet Revolution and its aftermath in a metaphorical fable style, is one of the most important anti-utopian books. Each animal in the work represents a person or group. In this respect, the pig Napoleon in the character of the tyrannical leader is represented by Stalin. We can find the oppressed people, the intellectual leader Marx and others, line by line, through farm animals. The revolution of animals against their human owners, and the subsequent complacency of freedom, returns to the slavery order with the power of one species over other species. Like every revolution that starts or seems to start with good intentions, power emerges as the cold hand of the dictatorial regime over time. At this point, I would like to add a quote that comes to my mind, from another work. “The state is the machine that enables one class to oppress other classes and subjugates all other classes to one class,” he says; Lenin in his book "On the State". As an immutable rule, the domination of one class over other classes and the reliance on personal benefit and welfare destroy all ideologies, forms and norms at the beginning of the revolution. ️Equality, freedom, the right to eat and drink, the right to retirement and rest, and most importantly, the ideal of not being like the one (in this case, human) whose tyranny is rebelled against at the beginning of the road, that is, the entire manifesto will be erased... I want to explain all the metaphors in between, pen by pen, and on the other hand, not to spoil the fun of those who haven't read it yet. I keep silent by saying "thinking pigs, sheep whose songs are made to memorize" ️ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS IT IS MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS My love be upon you
Hayvan Çiftliği
Hayvan ÇiftliğiGeorge Orwell · Can Yayınları · 2019249.2k okunma
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