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The characteristic thing about the culture of japan is the extraordinary mobility of the Japanese in every sense of the word. The white man is always seeking stability. His house must be constructed to endure. He makes himself dependent on all sorts of worldly goods. But in Japan everything is in motion. The land itself is a land of impermanence. Rivers, coastlines, plains, and valleys are constantly changing. The average Japanese is not bound to ay definite spot. The ability to live without furniture, without impedimenta, with the least possible amount of neat clothing shows more than the advantage held by this Japanese race in the struggle of life; it shows also the real character of some weaknesses in our own civilization it forces reflection upon the useless multiplicity of our daily wants. We must have meat and bread and butter; glass windows and fire; hats, white shirts, and woolen underwear; boots and shoes; trunks, bags, and boxes, bedsteads, mattresses, sheets, and blankets: all of which a Japanese can do without, and is really better off without. -Lafcadio Hearn
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