
Choose Positivity It can be hard to remain positive, especially when trying to persuade someone of something serious. Positivity almost always works better than using negativity, however. Frame your requests using positive words rather than negative ones. If you have to ask your parents to borrow $1,000, it can be nerve-wracking. Instead of using a negative explanation, such as, “I just lost my job and I’m behind on all my bills and don’t know how I’m going to catch up,” try being more positive, such as, “I only need $1000 because I’m in between jobs, but I applied to several new positions and know that the $1,000 is all I need to make sure I don’t get behind!” While both situations are tricky, your parents are going to see that they won’t have as much risk with the second phrasing that they might face from the first scenario. It’s the same situation. You’re unemployed and you need money. However, you found the positivity in the second phrasing, showing your parents the hopefulness of the scenario as well. This is applicable in more ways than just asking someone for money. Get people to start saying yes more. Instead of asking someone, “When are we going to set a date for the wedding?” try asking, “How does November first sound?” Instead of giving them the option to blow off the conversation, they have to confront the issue head-on. Don’t give someone the option to avoid the conversation. Instead, think of a yes or no question that you can ask that can start leading the conversation. Another example would be asking your roommate to have a party. You wouldn’t want to say, “Can I have a party tomorrow?” This gives them the option to say no. Instead, try saying, “How about we have a party tomorrow night and then Sunday we can spend all day cleaning and relaxing.” This puts the idea of the whole picture in their head so they’re more likely to say yes, instead of making them confront an idea they might want to instantly say no to.
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