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Here is another magnificent book worth its weight, where I met a different facial expression on every page... Should I tell you about the heartache in those few bittersweet minutes when I finished the last page of the book, or the sad moment trying to complete the "Long Story" with a small swallow? I think the only thing I can describe is the gulf of emotion between the first moment I encountered the book and the last moment. Sometimes I regret the time I lived. Or let's say it's not regret, but regret. Friendship, brotherhood, love and human relations are not damaged; I would like to live in a warm, naive and calm time. Getting to know pure people with pure feelings; I would like to be in those elegant years. Maybe I can't find it in Madden, but within an hour of reading the book, I became a girl living in that moment. Sometimes I smiled with joy, sometimes with sadness, in tears, but I always smiled... I wonder, I sometimes say. Is this what it's like to be a truly talented writer? Writing a thin story that can be finished in an hour and engraving this story in both the heart and mind of the reader? If this is the condition for being a talented writer, I don't know if I'm deciding too early since I first met him thanks to this work, but I think Mustafa Kutlu has this condition. While reading the story, a warm feeling came to my chest and did not leave until it was finished. For the first time in a long time, I read a book in which I was one of the characters. The feeling this gives is indescribable. The plot is very good, you can understand what the author means and where. The emotional transfer, the intensity of the characters and the realism of the events as if they were happening right in front of you will also fascinate you. I fell in love with the characters, I was happy, I cried, and I broke up with the ones I loved so much. I experienced a second life. What a beautiful story I read, what a wonderful writer I met... How lucky I am. And how lucky we are. Thank goodness we have books, fortunately we have books that remind us that we have hearts... Stay with the book. :)
Uzun Hikâye
Uzun Hikâye
Mustafa Kutlu
Mustafa Kutlu
Uzun Hikâye
Uzun HikâyeMustafa Kutlu · Dergâh Yayınları · 202336.6k okunma
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:D Selam genç! Bu kitabı ben de birkaç ay önce okumuştum. Dediğin gibi bir çırpıda biten ama devamınin gelmesine karşı istek uyandırmıştı bende. Incelemen kısa ve merak uyandırıcı bana göre ve okumaya teşvik edici. Yorumumu bitirirken kitaptan sevdiğim bir alıntıya yer vermek istedim. 😍 #44733610
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Aleykümselam genç :( Teşekkür ederim, senin düşüncelerin çok kıymetli benim için 💕 Ve evet, benim de belki en sevdiğim alıntılardan biriydi. Ne güzel kitaptı ya 😌
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