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This is the first book and first review of the February .Before going into details of the content of the book, I would like to know and ask you whether you read any book/novel or a poem written by Egyptian authors or poets .There are very well-written books , poems along with very great authors with some masterpieces in Egyptian literature but most of us more likely are not aware of them due to the low reputation and popularity in our own countries .For instance , if we don't count nagiub mahfouz for the time being , there are poets like Suzy Kassem and author like yasmin mogahed in Egyptian literature I believe that they are masters of their fields and they can flutter your hearts with their words .. In each book of the author , author seems like he has a grudge to the Egyptian society and always comes with a way of criticism.Particularly for the men . Hypocrisy is the main characteristic feature of men in Egypt from the author perspective .... In previous book ,sugar street,the author particularly focus on two characteristics of family member , the father (ahmet), fehmi (elder son).In this book,the author would like readers to see how the men in society from these two people's perspective.Ahmet is a person who seems very religious and conservative to his family but in reality , he is a person has a different lives for the day and the night He is a person who deceives his wife with someone else , drinks alcohol but when it comes to his own house , he support wise versa and emphasize the concept of the honour..Fehmi , elder son, is a very a nationalist and a person who strongly devotes himself to his friends' case or ideology...First book is being about those two . The second book ,which i just read is. A book observing the statement of "the pear doesn't fall away from its tree. . it is commonly about two other Family members , yasin and kemal .Yasin is a person doesnt consider how a woman feel when he cheat up his wife with other women so he always finds himself into a brothel . Kemal is a person who seems conservative and a person loving the poems due to his love for ayda but somehow he find himself advocating the Darwin's theory and also drinking alcohol in the brothel and the bars at the end. The author doesnt like his own society and always criticise them by depicting like this . to the author , men in ryptain Egyptian society are some men who don't have the dignity
Şevk Sarayı
Şevk SarayıNecib Mahfuz · Hitkitap Yayıncılık · 2016170 okunma
103 görüntüleme
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