
87 syf.
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I wanna write my review about this book. But I wanna write another thing at first. I really liked this book. According to me, in general, such kind of level books can’t give you feelings. (If you are bookworm, you’ll understand what I wrote.) It was third book which really gave me feelings. While I was reading this book, I felt like I was reading an original version. Oh my gosh, I don’t know how i describe my feelings about this book. Because there are a lot of things in my mind, and I don’t know where I start from. At first I wanna mention that there were difficult situations in this book. And I can’t decide yet which decisions would be perfect for these situations. Because every decision could be dangerous for mankind or the main character’s family. Namely there was a main character who was name is Victor Frankenstein. (And the book is about his life, experiences and misfortunes). He is ambitious person and scientist. He wanted to find a way to revive lifeless man. And he did this. But he could not do this completely, that’s why lifeless man turned into a monster. And after while the monster could not live his life properly in the world because of his deformity. And he started to blame his creator. (The next part can be spoiler for you). He said to his creator which I really liked this part “ Sorrow made me real monster”. He was not the cruel monster in the beginning. But everyone was afraid of him. That’s why no one could give him a chance. And I can’t blame people because if I were in their shoes, probably I would run away from the monster. (yeah I know it is impossible to come across with any monster in real life :D) why did I like this part? This part can belong to mankind. Namely people can hurt each other easily nowadays. And because of this, everyone can turn into the cruel monster. Anyway. The monster wanted from his creator to make him happy. For instance, like the monster said, he could creat another monster for him. He could see clearly no one will able to give him a real love, even his own creator too. And he just wanted that someone to give him a real love. And I can’t blame the monster at this situation. Because if one person gave him a chance for to get to know him, everything would be different. Anyway. The monster said to his creator; “if you do this, I will leave you alone and you will not see me again, but if you don’t do this, I’ll kill your family and friends. At first he gave the monster a promise, and he had plan to fulfill his promise. But after he thought that to create another monster can be so dangerous for mankind. And he did not do this for the monster because of the mankind. That’s why the monster killed his family and his friend. According to me the monster did not have to do like that. His creator wanted to avenge his family and friend’s death. But he could not do this because of his sorrow. His sorrow destroyed him. And he died. The monster who saw this, finally he could understand that what bad things he had done to him. And he wanted to kill himself. Wow, it was an interesting book. Because I have never been in dilemma at any book so far. And we can see due to Mary Shelley’s book, our ambitions can ruin our life easily.
FrankensteinMary Shelley · MK Publications · 201714.1k okunma
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