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Comparison Between Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights  There are many authors who show us 18th century British society. While some of the authors glorify the community life in the 18th century, some of them criticize the century by their strict rules about the women and social discriminations. Undoubtedly, Emily Bronte and Jane Austen are known as for social criticism or acute perception of gender roles in their society. The works of these two important authors are not about the French Revolution or the wars. They prefer generally to focus on ordinary people, daily life and love. Our writers, who lived in a time when marriages dictated the status of women in society, expressed themselves in a way and produced excellent works . Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte are books that have similarities and differences for readers. This paper will analyse British society by the 18th century and make a comparison between Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights.  To achieve this, I have organized my paper into three sections.In the first section, I will talk about the 18th century Britain,also known as the Victorian age and the value of women in society in those times. Secondly, I am going to give some information about the author’s life and their writing styles. In the end, I will do some analysis about the differences and similarities of  Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights in aspects of main characters.      According to many historians, the reform movement in 1832 is the original beginning of the Victorian era, also the Victorian age is called the Romantic era. Courtship is considered a tradition in those days and has been very popular. Queen Victoria and her family are the Victorian society’s heroes. Society finds marriage sacred in the age of victoria, without passion, without love. Marriage is the final stage of Victorian courtships. Howewer, marriage between two people are allowed so long as the couple wishing to marry belong to the same class.We can easily witness that class segregation is common in England in that times. Britain has led to more difficult conditions in the lives of poor people from the lower class during Victorian age. There is no liberation of women from these conditions in which the working class lives in the same way; poverty and injustice are effective on women. Women are underestimated, yes, but that also depends on social status. I mean, a rich woman is luckier than a poor woman. The women of the upper class have a reading room and a library in their luxurious home. They have a little chance of getting out of house and they learns about rural life from the novels. To pass the time, they go to musicals and dinner parties. Women are required to bathe using cold water with some soupcon vinegar in Victorian times because they think bathing with hot water can drive a woman to madness or encourage them to take pleasure. Physical activity is considered dangerous for women. But this thought has only been true of noblewomen. The poor women continue to work in many places such as factories and mines. Victorian Etiquette in the 19th century advise women to avoid asking any questions in the conversation process. That’s why, the women have to say ‘ I hope your brother’s okay instead of asking how someone’s brother is. Queen Victoria thinks the make-up looks ugly and rude. Therefore, if a woman uses beauty products, she can easily lead to negative rumors about herself. Only actresses and prostitutes can freely use lipstick and other cosmetics. Until 1921, women in London secretly did their make-up. Women are expected to marry and have children at the age of 21. Men treat their wives like they're their bosses. Of course, women start objecting to this situation in late 1840. For example, the numbers of women writers begin to increase. Families are very keen to marry their daughters because it is considered a good opportunity to take advantage of a rich man's legacy. In short, it is a time of injustice and contradictions. To all intents and purposes, the women meet lots of restrictions.  I think we have a general ideas of the Victorian era, and now I'd like to talk a little bit about Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. On one hand ,Jane Austen was born on 16 December 1775 in Hampshire, England. Jane has an interest in writing from an early age and her father supports her as well. She publishes many works on the condition of hiding her true identity and her many works are among the world classics. Austen is known in her culture for social critique or acute thoughts of the gender roles. Austen’s plays comdemn the sensibility novels of the second half of the eighteenth century and are part of the transition to 19th century realism. Her novels characters have their own universe, where readers can bring their favorite characters back to life by giving them new stories, new settings, new problems to solve, while never missing the chance to relieve all the emotions of the happy endings. Undoubtedly, Pride and Prejudice is the novel most discussed, the one with the most sequals and variations. The range of genres, styles and approaches are obviously enormous. Jane Austen cares about the dominance of reason between men and women and she wants balanced relationships. Jane Austen's concept of love is free from passion and obsession. According to Jane, love necessarily results in marriage and mutual respect is love.  On the other hand, Emily Bronte was born on 20 August 1818 in Thornton, Yorkshire, England. Lived in an isolated village, socially and culturally removed from the local population, the Bronte sisters (Charlotte, Emily, and Anne) and their brother Patrick Branwell spent much of their time in created worlds. Emily is mainly educated at home, where she and her siblings spent time writing and telling each other romantic tales and inventing imaginative games that are played at home or on desolate moors. She writes a few books of poetry and her only novel, Wuthering Heights, from her short thirty-year life. Emily Bronte has published her first novel under the her pen name Ellis Bells, after her death her sister Charlotte Bronte republishes under her original name. Although it is got a great reaction by people in that years, today Wuthering Heights is among the classics of English literature. She thinks that the period she live has many silly rules, so many expectations.Those of social station and wealthy must be seen to marry someone of the same worth regardless of the feelings involved; they must be seen to marry someone on their level of class structure. We focus on answering these questions with her works : What is love ? What is passion ? or What if  love turns to hate ? What is revenge ? Should it be quenched because of these all encompassing silly constructs ?  Bronte doesnt’t think so. Wuthering Heights is Bronte's only novel. Wuthering Heights is undoubtedly one of the rarest novels written in the 19th century that can still be popular today. There's really a bad character in the novel, but that's a different description of love . The work is one of the best examples of gothic literature predominantly romanticism. It's not exactly a love story. It describes the experiences of characters who have feelings of hatred and revenge because of love.  I'm going to draw a comparison between these two unique novels. Undoubtedly, I need to summarize the novels by briefly mentioning them in order to make a comparison with them. Mrs.and Mr.Bennet have five daughters to marry in Pride and Prejudice. Two single men who they are both rich and respectable move to the town of Longbourn. The novel tells us that these two men married with the two eldest daughters of the Bennets, Jane and Elizabeth after various events.Wuthering Heights tells us that Heathcliff who is adobted by Mr.Earnshaw stays in the middle of a mess of emotion. Mr.Earnshaw’s daugher Catherine and Heathcliff soon begin to love each other. After their father died. Heathcliff  learns that it is humiliating for Catherine to marry someone like him. He flees from Wuthering Heights on that day  and he returns with vengeance and hatred.  These two novels are written primarily by a woman. This is very marvelous because they bravely write their works at a time when women are ignored. Both of them have a similar context but their twist is different. The definition of Austen’s writing is seen to be linked to a more realistic and satire approach, while Bronte’s style tends to be a bit gothic. Both novels have a romantic portrayal of two distinct genders who are deeply in love with each other.  Jane Austen defends that reason is superior to everything, so she do not use very handsome characters in her work, Pride and Prejudice. She knows men who can easily seduce the opposite sex are dangerous. But in Bronte's Wuthering Heights there is Heathcliff who has the good-looking appearance to fascinate the woman he loves. These statements prove to us that Jane and Emily have different notions of love. There are few characters that can be compared or contrasted, but Darcy and Heathcliff are the most clear. Heathcliff shares a common life question with Mr.Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. The two characters struggle with a complex love affair and they are troubled by the social distinction of the period. Darcy wishes to be seen as a man of integrity, intellect, prudence; thus, his acts are frequently mistaken for being cruel and cocky. However in Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff is a cruel and rich man who is seen to have an attitude towards many people. Both male characters attempts to fight for their life’s love together with cryptic clues that appeal to the audience tremendously. Darcy and Heathcliff are seen as playing an incredibly important role in these two novels and are competing in tthe real world the two’s stronger ‘heroine’. In addition, both males are seen to have the same aim, pursuing the girl they love, but they have their own obstacles for each character, particularly because Mr.Darcy and Heathcliff play each other’s reversed roles. There are two important female characters in two literary plays. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. Elizabeth is the narrotor of Pride and Prejudice; she is the second oldest one between five children. She is frank, witty and she is generally known as a well-regarded person by people. Catherine is the principal female character of Wuthering Heights. She is impulsive, ill tempered and unpredictable because of the tension she has between being two people ; when she’s around Linton, she’s well-behaved and she avoids conventional social norms in front of Heathcliff. All females are involved in dynamic relationship of love.  In summary, Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice have several similarities and differences. In contrast with Bronte’s Heathcliff and Austen’s Mr.Darcy can be seen as a different role model. The oppressed impacts of the Victorian era on women are unquestionable. Both novels are beyond their era because even today we can learn many lessons by reading them. I am firmly convinced that any passion cannot go on for more than a year, and here I start to think that a lifetime of love might be possible with these unique works
Aşk ve Gurur
Aşk ve GururJane Austen · Can Yayınları · 201976.5k okunma
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ahhh loved this so much i really got pissed off when i read the first part, i hate these stupid traditions that society pushes into women so im in love with both emily bronte and jane austen. since you wrote this in english im gonna answer in it. i think jane austen tells men more innocently and nice than emily bronte, i read janes 3 books and i can confirm that she rarely speaks about mens ignorance and intolerance against women, as you can see in wuthering heights; emily bronte describes almost every men in their bad ways including their good behaviors and thats what i like with emily, wish that she had more novels :/ i don’t see any similarities between darcy and heathcliff ‘cause even tho darcy is prideful, he deeply cared about lizzy and most importantly her family at the end. however heathcliff hated everyone except catherine :d and destroyed all of the family heritage of both wuthering heights and the other house(i cant spell it lol). so yeah he’s evil, i hate him. i prefer pride and prejudice one but it would be injustice if i don’t say that the love in wuthering heights was more passionate that p&p. also i hate catherine too cause she is selfish b. her and heathcliff literally tencere kapak misali found each other. i’m not sure if you’re still using this platform but i must say that im entertained so much with this comparison
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