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At the beginning of the 19th century in France, 20-year-old Pierre Riviere murdered his mother, sisters and brothers with an axe. The reason he committed this bloody act was to save his father from his troubles. The first part of the book covers the case file, investigations, official correspondence, newspaper articles and Riviere's own memoirs. The second part includes the works of Foucault and his friends on case studies. In these studies, the political and sociological structure of the period was touched upon. It is emphasized how the king's social classification attitude divided the people. As a result of classification, villagers were excluded from society. So much so that they are not considered fully human by doctors because they show different symptoms in diseases. They are described as beings that are more animalistic and in the process of becoming human. Although these people were later given equal rights, they could not find the place they deserved in the eyes of society. As a reaction to being ostracized from society, the crime rate and murder have increased in the villages, but no work has been done to correct and improve this. Because the villagers are savages, not fully human, and what they do is normal for them. They cannot be cured and cannot be trained. In such an environment, is Pierre, who was also a peasant and born into a discordant and unified family, really guilty? Apart from this, the legal system's perspective on family murders, the introduction of mitigating circumstances, and the fact that psychiatric science was not yet very developed at that time are emphasized. So much so that three of the six doctors who examined Pierre say that he is mentally unstable, while the other three argue the opposite. In the book, you will find information about Pierre, his personality, childhood and life, both from his own writing and from the words of many witnesses. Then decide; Is Pierre Riviere a villain or a victim? Is he a madman or completely sane? Was it his destiny to become a murderer or could he be saved? Enjoyable reading.
Bir Aile Cinayeti
Bir Aile CinayetiAlev Özgüner · Ayrıntı Yayınları · 2012318 okunma
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